Brazilian Police Criticize Israel’s Comments on Operation Against Hezbollah Links

by time news

2023-11-10 02:59:25

The Brazilian Federal Police criticized Israeli authorities on Thursday for commenting on the operation that resulted in the arrest of two suspects associated with the Lebanese group Hezbollah who planned to attack the Jewish community in the country.

“It is not up to the Federal Police to analyze foreign policy issues,” but “manifestations of this nature violate good practices in international cooperation and can endanger future actions,” the institution said in a statement.

The corporation, which is autonomous, but is linked to the Ministry of Justice, stressed that “no conclusions can be anticipated regarding the results of the investigation, which continues its course in accordance with Brazilian legislation.”

The unusual reaction of the Federal Police comes after the arrest of two people linked to Hezbollah who were allegedly trying to recruit Brazilians to carry out attacks against interests of the Jewish community in Brazil.

A few hours later, the Government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reported that the Israeli intelligence service abroad, the Mossad, collaborated with the investigations to stop “a terrorist attack in Brazil”, “planned” by Hezbollah, an organization ” financed by Iran”.

Likewise, the Israeli ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Zonshine, said in an interview with the newspaper ‘O Globo’ that Hezbollah intended to attack synagogues in Brazil, since it supposedly has a support network in the South American country.

“If they chose Brazil, it is because they have people who help them,” declared the diplomat, who on the same Wednesday coincided at an event with former far-right president Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022), who During his mandate he strongly strengthened ties with Netanyahu, whom he even referred to as a “brother.”

Given the commotion generated, Bolsonaro’s advice clarified that he was invited to the event with the Israeli ambassador through his party’s parliamentary base.

The coincidence of both “was absolutely surprising,” said the former president’s team.

For all this, the Federal Police insisted that “all its actions are technical and are guided by the Constitution.”

“The investigation, for the moment, does not allow conclusive statements to be made” and is being carried out “in an impartial manner, seeking the real truth,” he said.

This response goes a step further than that given by the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, who emphasized that “no foreign force commands the Brazilian Federal Police” and that “no representative of a foreign government can claim to anticipate the outcome of a research still in development.

The armed group Hezbollah, of Shiite faith, is supported by Iran and is a declared enemy of Israel, a country which it has attacked with projectiles since the start of the war between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas.

Hezbollah has had a presence in Brazil, in the triple border area with Paraguay and Argentina, for at least three decades.

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