Breaking Free from Screen Addiction: Caleb’s Journey to Redemption in the Forest

by time news

2023-08-31 08:15:00
Title: Teenager Breaks Smartphone Addiction with the Help of the Forest

Subtitle: Caleb Silverberg shares his transformative experience at a tech-free school

Date: [Insert date]

Los Angeles (California / USA) – Many teenagers felt the same way as 15-year-old Caleb Silverberg during the pandemic. Only existing in front of a screen, at some point the American no longer recognized himself in front of the mirror. He pulled the ripcord and went into the forest.

The now 17-year-old broke his smartphone addiction with an axe. (icon image) © 123rf/maximsob

“During the pandemic, I became a screen slave,” Caleb, now 17, wrote in his article in The Free Press. Unconsciously, the student allowed his inner decomposition. He ignored his parents’ warnings.

“Caleb, your brain will melt if you keep staring at the screen like that,” they warned him.

And indeed: his brain “melted”!

A study showed that after excessive media consumption, the brains of young adults had significantly less gray matter, which is mainly needed for cognitive performance.

Caleb was media addicted, spending every second on the Xbox, computer, or smartphone. The problem is also omnipresent in Germany. A current study by the DAK found out that in Germany six to seven percent of 12 to 17-year-olds are media dependent, which includes computer games but also social media.

Caleb found himself becoming less and less motivated and feeling somewhat stupid and overwhelmed. The boy was probably depressed. A technology-free school finally came to the rescue for the youngster.

Young people were particularly at risk of slipping into media addiction during the pandemic. (Iconic image) © 123RF/lestertair

Located in Los Padres National Forest (California/USA), Midland School values ​​a tech-free environment built on the “Needs Not Wants” principle.

Instead of dealing with cell phones and video games, students have chores like chopping wood and keeping common areas clean. Through this unique setting, Midland encourages personal interactions, a sense of responsibility, and a deep connection to nature.

“Armed with my axe, I felt liberated from the constant lure of technology. I found the joy of participating in face-to-face conversations and enjoying moments without the urge to post them on social media,” Caleb wrote after the experience.

According to the young man, this experience should be made possible for all young people. Because Western societies are experiencing a pandemic of symptoms of excessive screen time, such as ADHD, myopia (short-sightedness), or depression.

Caleb recommends “Technology Shabbats”. In Jewish custom, Shabbat is the weekly Sabbath when one takes 24 hours to rest and relax. This weekly reset allows our body and mind to re-energize.

“I hope others my age can find the same path from phone to fulfillment. It’s enough to unplug it,” said the Midland student.]
#15yearold #swaps #smartphone #axe

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