Breast cancer, a medical tattoo reshapes the areola-nipple

by time news

Breast cancer, a medical tattoo for the areola-nipple

Breast cancer three words that, together, still make you worry and tremble. Today at early diagnosis, treatment and continuous research there is something that can give comfort to the many operated women. The Dermopigmentazione nipple-areola complex is a safe approach that provides psychological benefits. This is a new service started of the Cona Hospital in Ferrara as part of the breast activity carried out by the UOC of Surgery 2 directed by Prof. Paolo Carcoforo.

Breast cancer, Dermopigmentation at the Cona Hospital in Ferrara

Objective of the intervention is redraw the area of ​​the areola and nipple, after an intervention. An important service that started in Ferrara where a dermopigmentation surgery of the areola and nipple was activated in women operated on for breast cancer. An important service within the Cona Hospital, one of the very few centers on the national territory that offer this program within a healthcare facility. The project was born from the desire to offer a complete path to breast operated women, guaranteeing them the possibility of concluding a difficult path such as that of the fight against cancer within an accredited “Brest Unit” health facility. This possibility is offered in very few centers and it is for this reason that until now women have had to turn to private non-health professionals outside the health structures themselves.

Breast cancer, a medical tattoo to restore a healthy appearance to the treated area

“Dermopigmentation or tattooing of the areola and nipple for medical purposes- explains Professor Paolo Carcoforo Director of the Complex Surgery Unit 2 of the University Hospital of Ferrara and President of the Italian Society of Geriatric Surgery (SICG) – is the modified tattoo technique used to cover pathological conditions of the skin in order to restore the appearance of a healthy skin. The technique provides the introduction through subcutaneous injection of specific pigments in the sterile field. The patient undergoes a preliminary training-informative interview from which anamnesis, path of the disease and psychological consequences deriving from the surgery emerge. During this interview, the professional assesses the presence of the conditions necessary for the treatment. The tattoo is carried out by a specialized healthcare professional for reasons of hygienic safety; the treatment involves several tattoo sessions and requires the construction of a relationship of trust with the patient based on listening and the ability to instill serenity and safety “.

Breast cancer, surgery performed by a 6-year trained professional nurse

In reality, the dermopigmentation of the areola and nipple is performed by a nurse professional “case manager” inside the breast care center, who has the specific skills resulting from 6 years of training. Dermipigmentation is offered at the Cona Hospital as part of the breast activity carried out by UOC Surgery 2. “It can be accessed by women undergoing surgical treatment – explains Laura Sambri” case manager “referent of the project – which provides for the removal of the areola-nipple complex aged 70 or under, a service that can restore self-confidence and improve the relationship with one’s body after an operation “. Access to the dermopigmentation process is allowed simply by contacting the breast PDTA of the Cona Hospital.

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