Breast cancer care in the Mammacentrum: cooperation, people work and tailor-made top care

by time news

Breast cancer care in the Mammacentrum: cooperation, people work and tailor-made top care

breast cancer. It is a diagnosis that turns your life upside down in one fell swoop. It happens to one in seven women in the Netherlands. But how exactly does the treatment process work? Who will you be dealing with? The enthusiastic care professionals of the Mammacentrum of Tergooi MC explain it.

A motivated team of passionate professionals works in the Mammacentrum that is fully committed to providing the best quality care for women and men with breast cancer. Breast cancer care is pre-eminently an area in which many disciplines around the patient work together. The faces behind the team give an insight into their contribution to breast cancer care and explain what motivates them. A story about collaboration, people work and striving for the best for patients.

Doctor’s assistant: Loes Adriaanse

The doctor’s assistants take care of the reception at the counter. Doctor’s assistant Loes Adriaanse: ‘We guide everyone from the counter to the treatment room with attention and care. We also arrange practical matters such as placing orders.’

Loes Adriaanse: ‘A personal word does people good. Just like a smile. That makes the visit to the Mammacentrum just a little bit easier. If a patient says that this helps a little bit, my day is already good.’

Specialized radiological technician: Annette Schilder

After reception at the Mammacentrum, it is time for the next step: imaging the breast. Annette Schilder is a specialized radiological laboratory technician and makes a mammogram: ‘A mammogram or mammography is a research method for detecting abnormalities. I take a picture with a specially developed X-ray machine. I also assist with the ultrasound, punctures and biopsies. And I inform the patient about the further steps in the Mammacentrum. Making time for this is very important, as is making fears a topic for discussion.’

Annette Schilder: ‘The lines are short and everyone in the team works with the same goal: to provide high-quality care and to make it as pleasant as possible for the patient.’