“Breast cancer” found the number 1 cancer in Thai women. It is recommended to do self-examination every month.

by time news

Thairath Online

27 Mar. 2022 1:02 p.m.

The Department of Medicine points out that “breast cancer” is a serious threat to women. It is most common in women around the world. It is the 1st most common cancer in Thai women. It is recommended to regularly do breast self-exams every month. If found in the early stages, it can be cured.

On March 27, Dr. Somsak Ankasil, Director-General of the Medical Department, said that “the danger of breast cancer” is a major public health problem in all countries around the world. Information from the World Health Organization. Reported that at present, there are about 2.3 million new cases of breast cancer worldwide, with approximately 685,000 deaths per year for Thailand. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Thai women. According to the data in 2020, there are approximately 18,000 new cases of breast cancer in Thai women per year or 49 per day, and approximately 4,800 or 13 deaths from breast cancer. per day, which tends to increase the rate of disease continuously It is estimated that in 2023 there will be approximately 22,000 new breast cancer cases per year for the cause of breast cancer. still unknown But it was found that there were more risk factors for disease caused by lifestyle behaviors such as eating a high-fat diet. Lack of exercise and alcohol consumption, including some uncontrollable factors such as genetic disorders. and increasing age, etc.

Dr. Chayanut Rattadilok, a specialist in breast surgery National Cancer Institute added that Breast cancer is caused by abnormal tissue in the breast that transforms into cancer cells. May spread to nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer can be found in both females and males. But found in males at a very low rate. older woman will have an increased risk of breast cancer Especially over 40 years of age or groups with a family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer patients in the early stages. may be asymptomatic and often come to the doctor by feeling a lump in the breast or armpit; other symptoms may be noticed by the size or shape of the breast. that changed from the original Sores and may have mucus or blood-like fluid coming out, or a rash around the nipples. There are many ways to treat breast cancer, such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy. Treatment with targeted drugs and hormones or a doctor may use a combination of treatment methods at the discretion of the medical team and the stage of the disease. Health and patient needs Although breast cancer is a disease that can happen to every woman. But it is a cancer that has a chance of being cured if detected early. We can do monthly breast self-screening. Visit a doctor or nurse from time to time. People in high-risk groups should have ultrasound along with a mammogram, especially those who have a close relative with breast cancer.

After the news appeared, “Crab Blackhead” posted a message in the middle of the night (March 26) to mourn for her girlfriend “Nooksy Anpat” who is struggling to heal from breast cancer. and died

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