Breast Cancer Risk Factors and Early Detection: What You Need to Know in 2024

by time news

2024-07-12 03:29:55

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Persistent swelling in the armpit with a feeling of pressure should be checked by a doctor. © sinenkiy/Imago

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women. A healthy lifestyle and early detection tests can prevent serious consequences.

With more than 70,000 new cases per year, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women in Germany. If breast cancer is detected and treated early, there is a good chance that they will come back. However, more than 17,000 women die each year as a result. It is therefore vital that women know the risk factors – six of them can have a positive impact. A regular risk check can help you better assess your personal risk of breast cancer.

early detection of breast cancer

The first symptoms arise more often from the left breast.

Risk factors that promote breast cancer

The exact causes of breast cancer are unknown. “A genetic predisposition to breast cancer, ie a known gene mutation, is considered to be the biggest risk factor for the development of breast cancer. In this context, the risk of breast cancer can be three or four times higher than the risk of women without a family history of risk,” explains Dr. med. Susanne Wienbeck from radiology at St. Joseph-Stift and mammography screening in Bremen, in conversation with IPPEN.MEDIA.

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In addition to genetic factors, there are various modifiable risk factors that can increase the risk of breast cancer, such as:

  • Overweight or obese
  • Lack of exercise
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Alcohol and tobacco consumption
  • Type 2 Diabetes

Breast cancer warning signs

There are some warning signs that women should look out for:

  • Changes in the breast: Any change in size or shape should be taken seriously.
  • Nodules or hardenings: These can be a sign of breast cancer.
  • Skin changes: Redness, dimpling or skin changes on the breast are warning signs.
  • Leakage of fluid from the nipple: Even without pressure, this can be a symptom.
  • Swelling in the armpit: Lymph node swelling in the armpit is often caused by infections, but breast cancer can also indicate lymph node metastases.
  • Chest pain: Constant pain can appear at a more advanced stage of the disease and should always be checked by a doctor.

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Check breast cancer risk

A risk check can help you better assess your personal risk of breast cancer. Various factors are taken into account such as family history, lifestyle and hormonal influences that promote cancer. “If you answered ‘yes’ to at least two questions from Checklist 1 or at least one question from Checklist 2, you should take early detection tests seriously. Talk to your gynecologist about it,” the website says German Cancer Society (DKG):

Breast Cancer Risk – Checklist 1:

  1. Did you have your first menstrual period when you were under the age of eleven?
  2. Were you over 54 when you last had your period?
  3. Are you childless?
  4. Were you over 30 when your first child was born?
  5. Didn’t you breastfeed?
  6. Are you overweight?
  7. Do you exercise a little or do little or no sport?
  8. Do you regularly drink more than a small glass of beer or wine a day?
  9. Have you taken hormones to treat menopausal symptoms for at least five years?

Breast Cancer Risk – Checklist 2:

  1. Have you been diagnosed with breast cancer before or do you currently have it?
  2. Have you been diagnosed with uterine, ovarian or colon cancer in the last five years?
  3. Do you have severe mastopathy, ie a change in the mammary gland with lumps and cysts?
  4. Have you ever had a tissue sample taken from your breast because of a possible suspicion?
  5. Has any of your close relatives (mother, grandmother, sister, daughter) had breast and/or ovarian cancer?

Prevention of serious consequences of breast cancer: it is possible thanks to early detection measures

A healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. According to the German Cancer Society Around a quarter of breast cancer cases could be prevented through a healthier lifestyle. Women should have regular screening examinations from a gynecologist. Like many types of cancer, the following applies to breast cancer: the sooner they are detected, the better the chances of their coming back. Breast self-exams are also important for early detection of possible changes.

This article contains only general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It does not replace a visit to the doctor in any way. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

#warning #signs

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