Breast cancer second leading cause of death in Suriname – Suriname Herald

by time news

October has been designated Breast Cancer Awareness Month by the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) to increase awareness and support for breast cancer awareness, early detection and treatment, and palliative care. Breast cancer means that the normal cells in one or both breasts develop into malignant growths.

Early symptoms include a lump or hardening in the breast or armpit, sore and itchy breasts, and unusual discharge from the nipple(s). According to the PAHO/WHO, breast cancer is probably caused by a combination of hormonal factors (physiological), genetic factors (mother or sister with breast cancer), other non-hormonal physiological factors (e.g. age) and lifestyle factors (e.g. excessive alcohol use, obesity). .

Protective factors include breastfeeding and regular physical exercise. The theme for this year is: ‘Living Beyond Breast Cancer.’ This includes all forms of cooperation and support for people affected by breast cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month of the year by focusing on the need for global breast cancer screening and the intergenerational effects of breast cancer deaths. In 2020, breast cancer in women became the most diagnosed type of cancer worldwide: about 2.26 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer and about 685,000 women died from the disease.

In Suriname, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Cancer has also been the second leading cause of death in Suriname since 2010, preceded by cardiovascular disease. Among women, the highest cancer death rate is recorded for breast cancer, closely followed by cervical cancer.

Breast cancer, like cervical cancer, is possible to detect at an early stage, so that treatment can take place. With timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, breast cancer generally has a very good prognosis.

It is therefore important that women (especially > 30 years) regularly examine their breasts themselves, so that any lump or hardening can be detected early and discussed with the doctor. If necessary, they can therefore be referred early to have a mammogram (X-ray of the breasts).

For a breast examination in Suriname, one can go to the Halfhide & Hofwijk Radiology Clinic, the Lobi Health Center Foundation, the internist oncologist at the Paramaribo Academic Hospital, Sint Vincentius Hospital or the Diakonessenhuis. With each other’s support, we can show every woman that her life is important, reports the Ministry of Health.

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