Breathtaking: An unusual marine creature has been discovered in the depths of the ocean

by time news

An unusual marine creature was recently discovered in the depths of Monterey Bay off the coast of California and managed to amaze divers who have never encountered such an animal. The strange fish, with a transparent head and green eyes sunk into it, was given the name Barleye and was identified at a depth of about 650 meters below the water surface. Watch the special marine creature swimming in the depths:

The unique fish can hunt prey in complete darkness, which explains its huge and glowing eyes. The fish’s record was captured using a device operated remotely in the “twilight zone” of the ocean, and sent on a mission by the Gulf Research Institute. The organization said: “The remotely operated device recorded more than 5,600 successful dives and recorded more than 27,600 hours of video – and yet we encountered this fish only nine times!”.

According to the researchers, even in a world full of adjustments and refinements for watching in complete darkness, the Barleye fish stands out as one of the strangest. Originally the researchers believed that the fish’s green and strange eyes could only see upwards, but they soon discovered that the wondrous creature could also rotate them to see from the front. His eyes look up to spot the prey, usually small crabs that emerge between the only shadows of light that manage to penetrate the depths.

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