Bremen now Corona peak in Germany, but … – Domestic politics

by time news

402.0 – this is the 7-day incidence that the Robert Koch Institute currently reports for Bremen. In Bremen itself, the numbers are already further: On the last day of 2021, the health department of the smallest federal state reported: 437.0 – the highest level since the start of the pandemic!

This means that Bremen is now in first place in the Corona federal state ranking!

Accordingly, 651 new corona cases were reported in the state – two days earlier there were only 357.

572 new infections come from Bremen, in Bremerhaven there are 79 new cases.

Hotspot or “just” the actual numbers

One thing is certain: Omikron is now the dominant variant in Bremen. At least two thirds of the current infections are due to the new variant.

BUT: Apparently Bremen actually has a good overview of the ACTUAL numbers – while other federal states are still lagging behind due to missing reports due to the holidays!

The health department doubled the number of employees over New Year’s Eve and New Year’s. Support employees from other departments, as well as the requested Bundeswehr soldiers.

The head of the Bremen health department, Jörn Moock, told “Radio Bremen” that despite the holidays, they had a good overview of the infection situation: “We had a constant test level over the Christmas holidays.” The laboratories had also continued to work. The health department has a “relatively clear picture” of the infection situation.

And the number of infections is expected to continue to rise significantly. “We expect a significant increase in the number of infections in the first or second week after the start of school,” said Moock, who had only recently taken over the management of the health department, compared to “buten un within”.

There is currently no current information on the hospitalization rate. On Thursday it was 11.12, in Bremerhaven it was 3.52.

Corona warning level 3 currently applies in both cities.

Across Germany, there will probably only be a reliable level of actual corona incidences again in mid-January.

Bremen way ahead when it comes to vaccination

There are currently 16 vaccination routes in Bremen. The mobile vaccination teams are also still in use. Vaccination is also possible there without an appointment.

When it comes to boosting, Bremen is one of the top spots in Germany!

The reason for the relatively smooth fight against the pandemic: At the end of 2020, the “Bremen vaccinated initiative” from business, politics and aid organizations joined forces and organized the largest vaccination center in Germany (2000 employees). Directly at the train station, accessible to everyone. As of March 2021, 15,000 vaccinations per day were possible.

When more vaccines came in the summer of 2021, Bremen passed all other countries with a 7-day week and opening times from 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. The taxi service to the vaccination center was free for seniors over 80 years of age.


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