Brescia, two 17-year-old twins attack their sister in bed with knife and ax: arrested. “Attempted murder aggravated by futile reasons”

by time news

They wounded the sister while he sleptone using a knifethe other with aax. Then they screamed – waking up the parents who were sleeping in another wing of the house – and they are escaped to the street, where shortly after the carabinieri stopped them. The attackers are two 17-year-old twins residents a Polaveno, in the province of Brescia: “A very normal family, decent people. All uncensored ”, says the people of the town, less than 2500 inhabitants straddling the Valtrompia and Lake Iseo. The twins were arrested on charges of attempted murder aggravated by futile reasons, while his sister – 22 years old – is hospitalized and underwent a first surgery. She will have to go back to the operating room, but she is not in danger of life.

In the hospital there is also one of the twins, who is during the struggle wounded in the hand: it will have to be operated on in turn. But both were ordered to be remanded in prison. The destination seemed to be theBeccaria Institute of Milan, which, however, due to Covid cannot accommodate new inmates. They could then be taken to the juvenile prison in Florence. Both confessed during the interrogation – of about two hours for each – before the Brescia public prosecutor Maria Cristina Bonomo, applied to the juvenile prosecutor’s office. One of the two is enrolled in a professional Institutethe other dropped out of school in February.

At the basis of the attempted murder of his sister are there trivial matters which left the investigators speechless: the prosecutor has classified the documents first of all to protect the two arrested, still minors. Their story is being examined by the investigators. “I got it from the newspaper website. I’m in shock ”, was the first comment of the mayor of Polaveno Valentina Boniotti. “We all know each other and the family involved is really made up of good people“, He remarked.

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Peter Gomez

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