Breslav slaps the chairman of the ‘Communities Union’: you are preventing the immigration to Uman!

by time news

Frontal confrontation between the Jewish organizations in Ukraine: In a scathing letter sent by Rabbi Natan Ben Nun, chairman of Ihud Barslav Bauman, to Rabbi Meir Stembler, chairman of the Union of Jewish Communities in Ukraine‘, Last Thursday – he accuses him of “causing terrible damage” to followers of Breslav who want to come to Uman for Rosh Hashanah.

This, after according to ‘Ihud Breslav’, Rabbi Stembler, a Chabad emissary, who heads the organization that represents all the rabbis of the 160 communities in Ukraine, argued with the Ukrainian authorities to limit and prevent the entry of Hasids before Rosh Hashanah.

“It is important for us to clarify and emphasize,” Rabbi Ben Nun writes in his letter, “that you were never appointed by the Hasidic of Breslav to represent them in front of the authorities in Ukraine or to manage the aliya of the Hasidic of Breslav in honor of their rabbi in Uman.

“We, the people of the Breslav Bowman Union, holy emissaries of all those tens of thousands of Hassidim, who are exclusively authorized to speak on their behalf before the various authorities, we, together with activists from most of the communities, participate in this huge event on Rosh Hashanah and throughout the year as their emissaries.

“Unfortunately, we have learned that recently there have been several meetings between the representatives of the honorable federation headed by you and government officials in Ukraine, without our representation and without even informing us, in which we discussed various proposals and plans regarding the travel of the Breslav Hasidim to Rabbi Bauman, and even in retrospect we did not receive a report from you about Conversations that were made on behalf of the Hasidic of Breslav and caused us terrible damage.”

The chairman of ‘Ihud Breslav Bauman’ adds and writes: “In addition, we were shocked to hear about requests and proposals to businessmen and businessmen according to which you will supposedly manage the immigration to Uman and also determine who will come and who, God forbid, will not come, and about proposals made by you to the government of Ukraine or someone on its behalf, To collect money from followers of Breslav who travel to Rabbi in various forms.

“We vigorously protest your intervention in the whole matter in which you have no part, and we see these moves as a terrible injury and humiliation to a huge public.”

Rabbi Ben Nun continues and attacks: “We also find it strange that in the midst of a war in which Ukraine is fighting for its life, you are acting in a way that could cause serious damage to its image among the supporters and friends of Breslav in the entire Western world.

“We must make it clear that we will express our displeasure to any government agency that we come into contact with, by any means at our disposal, and we will make it clear to them that any risk or dialogue that is done with you without us, does not and will not have any meaning for us, we are not obligated to it and we will oppose it in any legal form, in Ukraine and outside of it.

“As representatives of a huge public in Israel, and as representatives of the rabbis and leaders of Breslav in the Land of Israel and the whole world, we are also obliged to report to them the terrible injustice that is about to be committed by you in preventing immigration to the Uman and the desire of certain parties to neutralize the messengers and official representatives of the Breslav Hasidim for the sake of money.”

The chairman of the Breslav Union Bowman clarifies: “We hope that everything was done only because of ignorance and an oversight, and we are sure and convinced that you will do everything to correct the oversight, and we demand that if you are approached about issues related to Hasidism in Breslav, you refer the applicants to the official body that represents the Breslav Hasidic In Ukraine – ‘Breslav Bowman Union'”.

Haredim 10 has learned that the ‘Committee of Chabad Missionaries’ is outraged by Rabbi Meir Stambler’s conduct and even sent a response, according to which Chabad and Chabad Missionaries do not interfere in what is happening in Uman.

In the letter sent today by the Chabad Lubavitch Ukraine Committee to Rabbi Natan Bar Nun, Ihud Barslav Bauman, it is stated:

“We received your letter regarding Aliya LeZion Bauman. And the Chabad emissaries in Ukraine, and Chabad followers in general, do not interfere in the whole issue of the trip to Uman for Rosh Hashanah Ba’alT, and do not interfere in the rest of the affairs of Hasidism in Breslav.

“No one has the right to represent Chabad Ukraine on the matter, without the consent of the Board of Delegates.”

The Chabad emissaries add: “We wish you great success in all matters of travel, and are sure that in Gaza you will be able to reach Uman Ukraine quietly and safely this year as well.

May it be desired that immediately and immediately we will be redeemed by the Messiah of our righteousness, and all the people of Israel will be united in the third temple.

With great respect and the blessing of truth and peace, I love you.”

The reaction of Rabbi Meir Stambler, chairman of the Union of Jewish Communities in Ukraine, to the ultra-Orthodox 10: “The federation does not deal with the issue of the trip to Uman.”

Rabbi Meir Stambler and Rabbi Ben Nun’s letter

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