Brexit: British expatriates can no longer drive in Spain

by time news

EEmbarrassed by the post-Brexit situation, British expatriates living in Spain are looking for solutions to resume a normal life. Since May 1, they are no longer authorized to use Hispanic roads, their driving license no longer being recognized beyond the Pyrenees chain. This precious sesame of the driver, if it was obtained in the United Kingdom, is no longer considered valid on Spanish territory, as long as the two countries have not reached an agreement on this subject. According to information from Bloomberg, English nationals, who have been living in Spain for more than six months, are encouraged to pass a driving test on Iberian lands to get back behind the wheel. Tourists can continue to use their foreign car license.

The British Foreign Office assured “to put pressure” to “accelerate the talks” with the Spanish authorities: “We have agreed to an acceleration of the talks and urge the Spanish government to propose interim measures. We remain committed to reaching an agreement. The UK already has similar agreements in place with 24 other EU countries. »

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A “temporary” situation?

“It could last a week or longer. It should be temporary, but we don’t know how much,” said a source close to the government across the Channel. Daily Mail. Contacted by Bloombergthe Spanish road transport authority and the Spanish Ministry of the Interior did not wish to comment on the situation, which is the subject of strong social tensions.

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