Britain becomes aware of Omikron’s terror, shatters record of Kovid cases so far in a single day – NEWS 360 – EUROPE

by time news

London: Britain is well aware of the Omicron terror. More than 88,000 Kovid cases have been reported in the country in the last one day. This is the first time so many people in the UK have been diagnosed with the disease in a single day since the onset of the Kovid disease. Experts have warned that Omicron’s spread potential is higher than other virus variants. This is confirmed by the spread of the disease in the UK. Kovid was confirmed by 78,610 people in the country last Wednesday. There were warnings that the Omicron outbreak would intensify in the country by next month.

So far, 147,000 people in Britain have died from Kovid. Of these, 146 succumbed to their injuries on the previous day alone. Britain is set to become the second most populous country after South Africa. In the UK, with a population of over 67 million, more than 11 million people are infected. Of these, 9,617,941 were cured. Currently, the number of active Kovid patients in the country is 1,245,554. Strict restrictions have been imposed in various parts of the country as a result of the Omicron expansion. Although the mortality rate is lower for the Omicron variant, it can cause a crisis if the hospital beds fill up too fast. At the same time, people are coming forward to get themselves vaccinated in fear of Omikron.


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