Brittany: a young OL professional player arrested after a chase with the police

by time news

A vacation that goes wrong for an OL player. A 20-year-old footballer, under contract with the Lyon club, was arrested on Monday in Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor) after refusing to comply, according to information from the Telegram confirmed by the city prosecutor’s office. On Monday, the young man who was then in the car refused to stop during a road check carried out near the station of the Breton prefecture.

The police then chased the Lyonnais, whose identity did not filter, and a quick chase took place in the streets of the city. It ended when the young footballer hit a barrier with his vehicle, which belongs to his mother. The fugitive tried to leave, but the state of his car did not allow him to continue his brief escape. He was then arrested by the police.

No license and no insurance

The young man was then heard at the Saint-Brieuc police station. It turned out that the footballer was driving despite a recent license suspension and without valid insurance. The player has admitted the facts and will now have to explain himself to the courts. He will appear before the Saint-Brieuc court, during an appearance on prior admission of guilt, on January 16, 2023.

The Lyon club did not react officially to this affair. On Tuesday, OL held a press conference with its future majority shareholder, American businessman John Textor.

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