Bronchiolitis alarm, how to recognize it in children-

by time news

Hospitalizations for serious breathing difficulties increase. The fault of the respiratory syncytial virus (VRS) which this year began to circulate earlier than usual. The most at risk are children under one year of age. How to recognize the symptoms

The pediatric departments of many Italian hospitals are in trouble and not the fault of the coronavirus. In fact, the culprit is the respiratory syncytial virus (Vrs), which this year started circulating earlier than usual. Although in most cases the infection begins without symptoms or with some cold and cough, sometimes the virus can cause bronchiolitis, a condition characterized by partial occlusion of the small bronchi and consequent breathing difficulties.The most affected are small children, under one year of age, in whom bronchiolitis is the most frequent cause of recovery, with the possibility of ending up in intensive care. As you can imagine, parents are very scared, but early recognition of the infection and some precautions can make the difference.

The guide of pediatricians

Precisely for this reason, the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) has just published a practical guide for mothers and fathers on its website ( Respiratory syncytial virus spreads easily from person to person through the small respiratory droplets emitted by the infected individual, especially when strangling or coughing. Also possible become infected through contact with infected objects or surfaces on which the virus can survive for many hours, explains Eugenio Baraldi, head of the Neonatal Intensive Care of the Hospital-University of Padua as well as one of the authors of the guide, together with Fabio Midulla, president of the Italian Society for Childhood Respiratory Diseases and Susanna Esposito, Head of Infectious Diseases Technical Table of Sip.
Infants almost always contract the infection after close contact with a family member, often a sibling who is in kindergarten and has a cold. If in adults and older children, the infection does not cause particular problems, in children under one year and more fragile the opposite is true. Infants most at risk of severe bronchiolitis are infants born prematurely (before 35 weeks of pregnancy), with congenital heart disease, chronic lung disease, neuromuscular disease and immunosuppressive conditions.


In high-risk children, it is possible to implement prophylaxis against respiratory syncytial virus, using a monoclonal antibody that is administered intramuscularly once a month from the beginning of the epidemic season, which usually runs from November to April, with a peak in January -February reports Professor Baraldi. This year the cases have been growing since the end of October. During the second wave of the Covid pandemic, the use of face masks, hand washing and social distancing reduced cases of bronchiolitis by 70-80 percent, but when these measures were slowed down, major outbreaks occurred in several Countries of the world, including Italy, are struggling precisely in this period with a dizzying increase in cases. What advice can parents be given to protect their children? A few simple behavioral measures can go a long way in preventing infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus but also those involving other respiratory and bacterial viruses, Baraldi said.
First of all, new mothers should do everything to breastfeed their little one: breast milk contains antibodies against numerous infectious agents and reduces the risk of serious respiratory syncytial virus infections and hospitalization for bronchiolitis.

Wash your hands often

Equally important are some hygiene rules continues the expert, such as washing hands with soap and water or an alcoholic gel before touching the baby (it is important that other people who come into contact with the baby do so too), use the mask in case of a cold when there approaches the baby, refraining from kissing him or even keeping the baby away from other children or adults with a cold. Among the other recommendations to reduce the risk of infection are that of disinfect surfaces and objects (especially toys) who come into contact with the child, do not allow smoking at home and, if the child is premature or suffering from heart or lung disease, it is advisable to consult the pediatrician to evaluate the use of monoclonal antibodies for the prevention of infection. If the little one has a cold, then there are signs that should lead to immediately consult the pediatrician.

Alarm bells

The main alarm bells are the onset of respiratory difficulties such as rapid breathing, persistent cough, movement of the nasal fins, noisy breathing or the appearance of a purple color of the lips and / or face. In addition, lack of appetite should always be carefully evaluated, the first sign that the child is getting worse with risk of dehydration (dry lips, little pee, crying without tears), apnea episodes, as well as poor reactivity or sleepiness, indicative of a rapid worsening. especially in infants under three months.

December 15, 2021 (change December 15, 2021 | 20:23)

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