Bruce MacMaster on pension reform

by times news cr

2024-09-07 02:28:29

At the Colombian Business Congress (CEC) organized by the National Association of Businessmen of Colombia (ANDI), the president of the organization, Bruce Mac Master, issued a warning about the uncertain future of the pension reform proposed by the government of Gustavo Petro.

According to Mac Master, legal difficulties and procedural flaws in Congress seriously endanger the approval of the reformwhich could trigger a crisis in the protection of the most vulnerable older population.

“It is very likely that the pension reform will fail,” said Mac Master, who also highlighted that the project faces multiple lawsuits for unconstitutionality.which aggravates the possibility of its failure. During his speech, the business leader called attention to the urgent need to design alternatives that provide security to seniors who, despite reaching retirement age, have not met the necessary requirements to access a pension.

Mac Master stressed the importance of having a plan B in case the reform does not prosper in Congress. “We propose to think now about what will happen if the pension reform fails, and to ensure that eventually There will be ways to care for the vulnerable elderly population that would be uncovered“he said, highlighting the need for the country to find solutions for this segment of the population.

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Although Mac Master stressed that the current project has serious problems that could lead to its collapse, he also recognized a positive aspect in the reform: its focus on guaranteeing the protection of elderly people in vulnerable situations.

Regarding the debate on pension reform, President Gustavo Petro spoke out today through his social networks: “I hope they think with the wish because they would be telling Colombia that millions of poor elderly people do not have the opportunity to live their last days better. These are wishes of social selfishness, which is the opposite of the Social Rule of Law. That is why I will accompany the elderly in their mobilization for dignity.”

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