Brunelleschi the architect of beauty: on Rai5 “In the Divine Proportion”

by time news

April 24, 2021 – 12:19 pm

Not a simple documentary, but a staging. A work in honor of the first “archistar” 600 years after the foundation of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore

of Corriere Fiorentino editorial staff

A jealous architect, to the point of destroying every writing or sketch, using secret codes, building extraordinary machines without revealing their mechanisms even to clients. In the name of beauty. 600 years after the foundation of the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, the director Giancarlo Cauteruccio – based on the dramaturgy of Giancarlo Di Giovine – brings his great creator to the stage in “Filippo Brunelleschi. In the divine proportion “ produced by Teatro Studio Krypton, which Rai Cultura proposes on Sunday 25 April at 5.05 pm on Rai5.

A history of art and not only entrusted to Brunelleschi himself, who has the face and voice of Roberto Visconti and who says of himself: «I am an artist, I belong only to art and beauty. Here are my children: facades, columns, arcades, arches, empty and full, light and dark. Geometries of light. It is mathematics that drives this renaissance. It is science that merges with art, which takes us to the center of space and time ». Thus emerge the body, the thought, the solitude and the strong and impenetrable character of the one who made perspective and symmetry the tools of beauty no longer dictated by chance, shadow and faith, but by reason, calculation. , math, light.

shadow carousel

“Filippo Brunelleschi. In the divine proportion »: Rai5’s theatrical work on the first? Archistar? of history

«We know everything about the great Renaissance artists Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo. We know much less about Filippo Brunelleschi’s life – observes Di Giovine – and yet Brunelleschi anticipates these artists, prepares them, directs them towards new horizons ».

“Filippo Brunelleschi. In the Divine Proportion “is a non-documentary work, but a staging in which the viewer, in addition to being guided into Brunelleschi’s wonders thanks to the visual suggestion of the dynamic / digital scenography of video mapping, can reflect himself in a complex body and imagination and magical at the same time.

With the project of the show “Filippo Brunelleschi. In the Divine Proportion “the company Teatro Studio Krypton of Florence on 2 October 2020 was the first of the five projects selected by the examining commission of the Vivere all’Italiana call on the stage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Directorate General for the Promotion of the System Country in collaboration with the Entertainment Directorate of the Ministry of Culture.

April 24, 2021 | 12:19



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