Bruno Le Maire offers targeted fuel aid for the “middle classes”

by time news

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, wants “middle class” benefit from targeted aid for fuel which will replace the tariff shield on energy prices next year, he explained on Sunday July 10 in an interview with LCI.

On the sidelines of the Economic Meetings of Aix-en-Provence, the Minister pleaded:

“It’s important to help the working middle classes, who make the nation go round, to put it simply, and who have no other choice but to take their car to go to work. Personally, I will be very careful that these middle classes, who sometimes stick out their tongues because fuel is increasing, that everything is increasing, can also continue to work: they are the strength of the nation, they keep businesses, factories running , administration. »

For example, Bruno Le Maire specified:

“A woman who is alone with two children, who receives 3,000 euros in income per month, she has a substantial income: for me, she must be entitled to this aid. A couple who have two children and each of whom earns 1,800 euros, or 3,600 euros with two children, is already a level of income which is significant, but not very high, it is the middle class: for me, this family should be entitled to this allowance. »

Read also: Gas and electricity: Elisabeth Borne plans targeted aid after the end of the tariff shield

A “simple” device

“I don’t want to pre-empt the debate, that’s the proposal I’m making. Afterwards, I am open, of course, to the National Assembly, to discuss this subject with parliamentarians”he added. “It’s a really nice political debate: who are we helping? up to what level? for what purpose? »

In addition, the Minister of Economy has promised a device « simple » :

“On the site of the Directorate General of Public Finance, you register your car (…) and you receive this compensation. We are even going to do something completely new: it is the general directorate of public finances, at my request, which will send SMS, send emails to people who are entitled to this allowance. »

“We are going to take a proactive approach”he concluded.

On Thursday, the government announced that targeted aid for people who take their car to work would take over in October from the general discount of 18 cents on the price of a liter of fuel, which will gradually decrease, then stop definitely in December.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Purchasing power: the government releases an additional 20 billion euros

The World with AFP

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