Brussels proposes to reduce gas demand by 15% by limiting heating or postponing the closure of nuclear power plants

by time news

Limit the heating of certain buildings, postpone the closure of nuclear power plants, encourage companies to reduce their needs… Brussels proposed, on Wednesday July 20, a plan aimed at reducing European gas demand by 15% to overcome the drop in Russian deliveries. .

In order to prepare for winter, the European Commission has prepared an arsenal of measures which will enable the EU27 to deal with a possible interruption of Russian supplies – which constituted 40% of their imports until last year. “Russia uses gas as a weapon. In the event of a total disruption, Europe will have to be ready”said the president of the European executive, Ursula von der Leyen.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Europeans are preparing for a winter without Russian gas

This plan still needs to be discussed by the Member States. It provides that each country should ” Do everything possible “ to reduce, between August 2022 and March 2023, its gas consumption by at least 15% compared to the average of the last five years over the same period. The States will have to detail by the end of September their roadmap to achieve this.

The Nord Stream gas pipeline, through which passes a third of Russian gas deliveries to the EU, has been closed since July 11 for routine maintenance which is due to end on Thursday. But the Europeans fear that Moscow will not reopen the tap. In previous weeks, Russia had already slashed 60% of its shipments via Nord Stream.

In case of “substantial risk of severe shortage or exceptionally high demand”and if voluntary efforts were not enough, Brussels would like to be able to activate an alert mechanism – after consulting the States – which would make it possible to set “binding demand reduction targets” for the Twenty-Seven. The European executive had already presented in the spring a strategy to free itself from Russian hydrocarbons, by imposing on States a minimum filling of gas reserves, by diversifying suppliers and by developing renewable energies.

A difficult winter

Despite an increase in imports from Norway, Azerbaijan and Algeria, and a tripling since March of shipments of American liquefied natural gas, Europeans fear a difficult winter. Mme von der Leyen estimated it possible to reduce annual gas consumption in the EU by around 45 billion cubic meters. For comparison, Russia had supplied in 2020 some 153 billion cubic meters to the Twenty-Seven. Some 11 billion cubic meters would come, in particular, from a drop in the heating or air conditioning of buildings. Brussels is asking, among other things, States to adopt binding measures to limit the heating and air conditioning of public and commercial buildings, “where technically feasible”.

Brussels encourages the use of alternative sources for district heating, heat pumps in private homes, and recommends communication campaigns to encourage households to lower the thermostat by one degree this winter – which would save money “up to 10 billion mistres cubes of gas per year », according to the Commission.

However, the “protected customers” (households, social services, hospitals, SMEs, whose supply is guaranteed) represent less than 37% of total gas consumption. The Commission is therefore targeting electricity production and industry. “Priority should be given to renewables, but switching to coal, oil or nuclear may be necessary on a temporary basis”recognizes Brussels, which asks countries wishing to give up the civilian atom to postpone their plans to close nuclear power plants.

For manufacturers, the text recalls the existence of alternative solutions (switching to biomass or biomethane, electrification of certain machines, etc.) and proposes to establish “auction systems” that would provide businesses with « compensations » in exchange for a reduction in consumption. Even for sectors with little leeway to do without gas, such as the chemical industry, which uses it as a raw material, it would be “significantly less expensive” reduce their demand gradually rather than waiting for a sudden break, the Commission believes.

Also listen Why is it so difficult to do without Russian gas?

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