Budget 2023: LFI’s new motion of censure rejected in a tense atmosphere

by time news

It was the last hurdle. The government faced, this Friday, a new motion of censure of the rebellious deputies, which was, once again, rejected. Only 188 deputies voted in favor, while 289 votes were needed. This response to the fourth use of Article 49.3 of the Constitution by Elisabeth Borne on Wednesday was defended at the podium by the elected representative of Reunion Jean-Hugues Ratenon. Its rejection implies adoption, at first reading and without a vote, of the entire finance bill (PLF) for 2023.

The PS, the PCF and EELV had not joined in the filing of the LFI motion, fearing a “trivialization” of the tool and a weariness of opinion. But most members of these groups However, they came out in favor of the text, with the exception of the Socialists who simply did not take part in the vote. The latter believe that it is important not to trivialize the use of this tool.

Tense atmosphere

The vote took place in a tense atmosphere, the day after the comments, deemed racist by a large majority of the hemicycle, of the deputy RN Grégoire de Fournas against the elected LFI Carlos Martens Bilongo, who caused an incident of a rare magnitude at the Palais-Bourbon. Especially since the debates on the motion of censure were preceded by a so-called “sitting-standing” vote on a sanction against the elected member of the National Rally. However, the RN group, which chose not to file its own motion this time, had initially planned to contribute its votes to those of LFI. Despite the incidents of the day before, the RN deputies still chose to vote for the motion of censure.

VIDEO. “Let him (s) return (nt) to Africa”: scandal in the Assembly after the words of an RN deputy

The LFI group had however taken care, this time, to specify in its motion that “our project and our vision of society place us in frontal opposition with the far right”. More generally, the Insoumis criticized the government for its “contempt for parliamentary power” and an “authoritarian” use of 49.3, which allows the adoption of a text without a vote. In question: the fact that the executive, deprived of an absolute majority, rejected many amendments to the budget, which the oppositions had succeeded in having adopted.

In the Senate from November 17

The government invokes a “blocking” of the opposition, and “irresponsible” measures sometimes voted jointly by the Nupes (LFI, PS, EELV, PCF) and the elected RN.

The PLF must be examined in the Senate from November 17, in its version remodeled by the government. In the “expenditure” part of the budget, the executive has thus retained amendments made by the deputies of the presidential camp, such as the increase in salaries for those accompanying disabled students or support for emergency accommodation. But he, on the other hand, dismissed the 12 billion euros for the thermal renovation of housing or the 3 billion for the railway, which had been voted against his opinion by the Assembly.

In the “revenue” part, the government also rejected a voted socialist amendment, which provided for a tax credit for the remainder payable by all residents in nursing homes. He did not retain, either, an amendment for a taxation of “superdividends” from large companies, a proposal from his ally MoDem who had gathered support from the opposition and even within Renaissance.

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