Budget 2023: Nupes and LR deputies seize the Constitutional Council

by time news

They believe that the bill is “manifestly contrary to several provisions and principles of constitutional or organic value”. Deputies of the Nupes left alliance on the one hand, in a letter sent by Mathilde Panot (LFI), Boris Vallaud (Socialists), Cyrielle Chatelain (Ecologists) and André Chassaigne (Democratic and Republican left group), and deputies The Republicans on the other hand, each filed an appeal before the Constitutional Council on Monday. They are targeting the 2023 state budget, definitively adopted on Saturday by Parliament after the use of 49.3 ten times.

Among many grievances, deputies from left and right accuse the government of having activated the procedure provided for in article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allows the adoption of a text without a vote, except adoption of a motion of censure .

Throughout the fall, Elisabeth Borne used it a dozen times, triggering it for each part of the budget, the final text, in first and second readings. If no majority of deputies emerged to censure the government, the LR and Nupes parliamentarians who seized the Sages believe that Elisabeth Borne could only use 49.3 on the whole of the text, and not part by part.

An attack on the right of amendment of parliamentarians

Similarly, they criticize the government for having infringed the right of amendment of parliamentarians for having submitted a text to 49.3 without taking up modifications that were nevertheless voted by a majority by the deputies. The budget had been considered definitively adopted after the rejection of a motion of censure tabled by the LFI group.

Among its flagship measures, a tariff shield to contain the rise in energy prices to 15%, salary increases for teachers and priority for sovereign ministries. The debate focused on calls from the left and the RN to tax the “superprofits” of large companies such as the oil company Total or the shipowner CMA CGM.

MPs from Nupes and the far right have called for a broad tax. The executive opposed them to an agreement sealed at European level with in particular a cap on the income of electricity producers, likely to bring in an additional 11 billion.

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