Budget credit will enable the resumption of works on the Malês Campus

by time news

2023-05-25 21:58:13

The Higher Management of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab) informs the academic community that the Decentralized Execution Term (TED) No. Integrated Monitoring, Execution and Control System (Simec).

The TED registration is the initial step for Unilab to receive the budget credit that will enable the resumption of works on the Campus dos Malês, in São Francisco do Conde/BA. After approval of the work plan, the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, and the Dean of Unilab, Roque Albuquerque, will sign the Term, which will contain the guiding guidelines for the execution, financing, control and accountability of the project.

The Ministry of Education was made aware, after years of intense negotiation, of the investment needs in the infrastructure of the Campus dos Malês so that Unilab can offer the people of the Bahian Recôncavo and international students a free and quality public higher education.

The rector of Unilab points out that, since the beginning of his pro tempore management, in 2020, he has made efforts to raise awareness among the MEC and the government to meet the need to complete the didactic and administrative blocks of the Campus dos Malês.

“The first agenda I had with Minister Camilo, as soon as he took over, was the conclusion of the buildings. I was personally in the minister’s office, together with the president of the Legislative Assembly of Ceará, Evandro Leitão (PDT), and I dealt with the Campus dos Malês; I dealt directly, on behalf of Ceará, with the leader of the government, José Guimarães, when I was personally with President Lula, making the request. Through the articulation of Bahia, the director of the Campus, Mirian Reis, via federal deputies Lídice da Mata (PSB/BA), Jorge Solla (PT/BA) and the governor, Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT/BA) made an articulation and Unilab left winning.

Albuquerque is also grateful for the efforts made by various entities in the state of Bahia and Minister Camilo Santana, “who listened to me at that first meeting and had already promised and signaled. The desire is that we really manage to turn a page, we hope in this long journey and we expect not to be frustrated by any surprise”.

Regarding the application of the TED, the dean clarifies that the Campus dos Malês does not have enough technical-administrative servers to make the project be carried out and, therefore, all the pro-rectories have already been activated in order to guarantee that the TED will be fully applied on the Malês Campus. “Since TED is not aimed at subunits, but at the university, we are committed to using it on the Malês Campus. We will do everything in terms of project tenders to ensure that everything is done perfectly, without any unforeseen events, for delivery in a timely manner”, he informed.

The Rectory emphasizes that there is still a long way to go until the works are effectively resumed, in view of the management’s commitment to comply with the legal requirements that regulate the use of public resources. In any case, the first step of the journey was taken, as a result of the commitment and hard work of Higher Management in offering the academic community, especially that of São Francisco in Conde, conditions of access to the long-awaited higher education diploma.

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