Build a remote school ‘Dengue fever’ Bangkok joins hands with private sector to guard teachers-students to raise awareness-stop the disease in the community.

by time news

Takeda and Kao together with Bangkok Launched the “Dengue-zero School Project, a guarded school, away from dengue fever” to raise awareness and prevent dengue in the community. Ready to search for the best dengue-free school

On March 22, 2023, Takeda (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a global biopharmaceutical company, and Kao Industrial (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a leading consumer products and chemicals company, Under the collaboration to raise awareness and prevention of dengue fever in Thailand. join forces with partners, including the Department of Health and the Department of Education Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (Bangkok) organizes the project “Dengue-zero School Project, schools are guarded, far away from dengue fever” to raise awareness about dengue fever, which is one of the public health problems of the country.

For such a project, it will be piloted in 10 schools in Bangkok in high-risk areas from this disease. There will be more than 7,900 students participating in learning and knowing how to effectively prevent disease. and apply the knowledge gained to their own homes and communities It also extends to the presentation of the project to enter the contest. “The best dengue-free school” that can control and reduce the percentage of stagnant water containers that contain mosquito larvae to the lowest. and will receive a trophy diploma and scholarships worth up to 30,000 baht

Mr. Suksan Kittisupakorn, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Bangkok, revealed that the situation of dengue fever in Bangkok from January to March 2023 has found more than 1,600 dengue patients, with patients aged 5-14. Most years, where the spread of dengue fever is something that the BMA pays attention to by having schools, hospitals, communities to be vigilant with measures to manage mosquito larvae that are breeding grounds of the disease

However, the project “Dengue-zero School Project, schools caught guard, away from dengue fever” that Takeda and Kao Together with the Department of Health and the Office of Education, Bangkok, to promote knowledge to the target group, both students and teachers. Help build a dengue-free community. The BMA is very pleased and ready to support the project to achieve maximum results and effectiveness.

While Mr. Peter Streibel, Managing Director of Takeda (Thailand) Co., Ltd., said that since the signing of the collaboration to raise awareness and prevention of dengue fever in Thailand. The alliance has achieved its goal of raising awareness of dengue among the community. and more than 1,000 Bangkok Public Health volunteers in areas with high dengue outbreaks. through awareness-raising activities and hands-on practice in the prevention and control of dengue fever

For this project, the focus is on students who are one of the groups at high risk of dengue infection. To understand the disease and its effective prevention To bring further development and transfer to schools and communities to keep them safe from disease. by aiming to support continuous operations Especially in communities with high dengue outbreaks. Students are also given the opportunity to express their creativity in order to present a sustainable dengue prevention project. And it is a great pleasure to work together with the Department of Health and the Department of Education, Bangkok, to jointly build a dengue-free community.

Mr. Yuji Shimizu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kao Industrial (Thailand) Co., Ltd., said that dengue fever is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes. And create burdens on both public health and the economy This project is another project that reinforces the commitment of Kao and its partners. To raise awareness and prevent dengue fever. Including protecting the future of Thai children to be safe from dengue fever. We would like to thank partners from all sectors who have worked together to raise and raise awareness and understanding of dengue fever. I am very proud and happy to be a part of this project.

At the same time, to pilot this project, partners jointly organize workshops. This is an activity that will provide knowledge and understanding to more than 7,900 students and teachers from 10 pilot schools in the Bangkok area to build knowledge and understanding about dengue fever. and how to protect yourself from dengue through controlling the population of larvae and Aedes mosquitoes. And the most important thing is to fix the problem. Sustainable Prevention and Control of Dengue Fever in the Community From now on, schools participating in the project They will practice skills and use integrative thinking in controlling the amount of larvae and Aedes mosquitoes. to present the project to the search contest “The best dengue-free school”

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