“In smartworking it is important to build a new regulatory model, of the rules, that prevent the drift towards a form of technological subordination“. He said it labor lawyer Alessandra Ingrao, of the University of Milan, commenting on the results of the survey on smart working in the ICT sector in Milan carried out by Fiom Cgil of Milan, made known today on the occasion of the event ‘Is smartworking sustainable?‘, held as part of the Milan Digital Week ‘Fair and sustainable city’.
“Smartworking – he remembers – as it was born in law 81 of 2017 is a regulated type of contract that gives life to a remote service mode that is very different from the one that emerged during the recent pandemic. We need to focus on three connected fundamental points: need effectively ensure the right to disconnect, connect and reconnect“.
“The right to disconnect – he explains – is provided for by law 81, yet many workers in Ancona do not know it. The law assumes that the device must be disconnected from the company server, so that the worker does not have to take charge of not answering calls or messages. The connection, on the other hand, remains the responsibility of the individuals if the company does not bear the costs, also considering the location. Finally, reconnection is the right, once the pandemic is over, to return to the office and be able to negotiate the conditions with which to return, avoiding the complete depersonalization of isolation associated with the hut syndrome. Therefore, labor law must strengthen and support the bargaining of workers’ representatives so that they participate in the process of forming the rules “.