Building Well-Being and Combating Depression: Strategies to Include in Your Daily Routine

by time news

2024-07-05 06:00:00

It is important that the daily routine includes at least some small behaviors that generate pleasure to reduce symptoms of depression (Infobae illustrative image)

* INECO Group is an organization dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. Through his INECO Foundation, he researches the human brain.

In recent years, there has been research on the treatment and approach of the depression he began to emphasize not only the reduction depressive symptomsbut also in implementation tools which favors building individual well-being.

“There is evidence to support the importance of doing basic activities to promote mental well-being. These include from the exerciseto adopt healthy habits including feeding and the relaxation appropriate. In addition, it is important to try avoid harmful behaviours like smoking, excessive consumption of food, alcohol, drugs, among other things, since they have a significant impact on mental health,” said the lawyer. Belen Tarallomember of INECO’s Cognitive Psychotherapy Department and specialist in well-being.

In line with this, he said: “The term benefit includes concepts such as satisfaction, happiness and contentment“.

Then, the INECO professional shared some strategies aimed at building well-being that were beneficial in combating depression.

There is a lot of evidence to support the benefits of physical exercise for mental health and promoting well-being. Repetitive physical activity has been proven to have effects antidepressants natural, among other issues, due to the release of endorphins that it produces.

Likewise, physical exercise has both benefits immediately as long throughout the day.

This point refers to the ability to develop the ability to recognize and record positive aspects that may occur during the day. In depression, you tend to have an easier time registering what is negative (about yourself, others and the world in general). It is so identify positive things or find it challenging to appreciate.

The work at this point gradually focuses on him remove the spotlight from the negative, and start identifying and capturing in some way (in writing, through photos or saying it out loud) positive issues or things to be grateful for. This can have a positive effect on mood.

Avoiding excessive isolation is a fundamental aspect of working on the symptoms of depression. Without demanding more from the individual, it is important that they are able to maintain frequent contact with one of their loved ones.

It is essential to include at least a few small pleasure-generating behaviors in the daily routine to reduce depressive symptoms.

In depression, there is a very common symptom anhedonia, can be understood as the difficulty of finding satisfaction in those things that were previously satisfying. This often causes the individual to reduce or eliminate them from their normal routine. That’s why it’s so important to work on identifying and restoring and/or adding enjoyable activities.

* Belén Tarallo is a member of INECO’s Cognitive Psychotherapy Department.

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