Bullrich vs. Macri: divorce in the middle of the campaign

by time news

2023-09-10 15:52:10

Patricia Bullrich he was raising anger against Mauricio Macri and his flirting with Javier Milei, until it exploded. “We, in Together for Change, have always been prisoners of what Macri was going to do. We don’t have to be in jail anymore, ”he shot. The shot went deep into the former president: for the first time his former minister publicly showed his desire for rebellion.

There were hardly any proasted a few minutes of the interview on TN, but the candidate for president was on fire: “Macri does what he considers he has to do. We have to free everyone Together for Change and make Mauricio accommodate himself as he believes he has to accommodate himself, because otherwise our campaign is a campaign of responses, not proposals. I have to go around answering what Macri is going to do. And I don’t know what he’s going to do.”

It was the end of bullrichismo diplomacy towards the former president. Until that moment, despite the internal tensions, the PRO leader was condescending to Macri. This is evidenced by her actions on the stage of the bunker where she celebrated his candidacy: she decided that his, until then, political boss would close the event and, in a slip, introduced him as “our president.” “Because it will always be like this,” she explained in the midst of euphoria. It didn’t happen: Bullrich got tired of waiting and cast off. Near her they hold: “Neither Mauricio, nor Horacio. Let them accompany you, but this is Patricia’s moment.”


Macri’s international agenda distances him from the campaign. Since the PASO, he spent more time outside the country than inside, a product of the trip to Morocco for the Bridge World Cup and his tasks as a FIFA official. Therefore, the former president knew that he was not going to have a high level of influence.

In any case, Bullrich’s team expected a greater commitment to its candidate. But The founder of the PRO surprised Javier Milei with his constant praise. He betrayed his own candidate in three steps. Prior to the primaries, in an interview with Joaquín Morales Solá he praised the libertarian. Later, the same economist was the one who revealed that they had spoken on the phone and exchanged compliments. Finally, after the elections, Macri said that he had anticipated what her performance would be like. Milei even responded by slipping that he could give her a management position, which he later relativized.

On the defeated team Horacio Rodríguez Larreta They followed the events closely and even some of them even managed to smile. There is a kind of joy in seeing the actions of the former president: in short, He did to Bullrich what he had done to the mayor of Buenos Aires internally.. With an aggravating circumstance: now the flirtation is with someone from outside the coalition. Macri has plan a and plan b within this election.

“Mauricio has had doubts about Together for Change for a long time. “If it depended on him, if he had no commitments, perhaps he would have already stepped aside,” protests one of the economic leaders. from the Bullrich team.

Until Miguel Pichetto, Macri’s former running mate reprimanded him. he asked her to accompany Bullrich “with conviction”. “Patricia’s leadership must be consolidated and given all the tools for her to be president,” she said.

Macri and Bullrich met once in the last month, after the primaries. It was a couple of days after the former president returned from Morocco. However, there were no photos or official information of the meeting: “It was a work meeting,” said the candidate. And he added: “I told him how we were organizing ourselves in the campaign.” Nothing else.

To show its independence, Bullrich moved forward in recent days with the presentation of its work team and with its government proposals. All in the face of a striking silence from Macri: There were no statements, not even a message on social networks.

“Here is a new Together for Change,” said the candidate when revealing her bishops. The numbers that her consultant gives her, Diego “Derek” Hampton from Saltathey comfort her. The polls indicate that, at least for now, she manages to retain an important part of Larreta’s votes and they consider that with four or five more points they win, they would get into the runoff. They feel like they are in the race.


The project of the Bullrich team is not only to show it independent of the historical references of the coalition. The idea is based on highlighting his individual figure. Make her a leader. That is why it was anticipated with the incorporation of the economist Carlos Melconian and the revelation of part of what would be an eventual cabinet of his Government. In his desire to establish an agenda, he also showed his proposals: Let her debate what she wants to do.

“An ordered country” is the title of the 86-page document that covers twenty areas headed, of course, by economic policy. In search for “Ending inflation” proposes a “comprehensive reform of the State”. End of the exchange rate, free export and import, elimination of taxes and other issues that he has been raising in his interviews. But also, the announcement that Aerolíneas Argentinas “after a brief transition period will stop receiving state subsidies.”

If Macri’s Bullrich is going to take anything, it is the search to replicate its “Yes, we can” campaign of 2019: a comeback that did not become a triumph, but that made Juntos por el Cambio grow strong from the PASO to the generals. The candidate is close to one of the architects, who insists on that move that brought the former president closer to the people: Hernán Lombardi.

Bullrich has already started campaign trips. He passed through Córdoba and the Atlantic Coast. This Sunday he will be in Maximiliano Pullaro’s bunker in Santa Fe, who would offer him a triumph in a province that has to be painted yellow again. Their national tour will continue through Chaco and Mendoza.

The message that the Bullrich team sends is clear. “Go out as a soldier,” they ask. We must recover votes, while they wait for Milei to fade away due to stumbling over his grandiose measures that he cannot explain how and when he will carry out if he is the Government. That could push them to the long-awaited runoff.

“If Patricia becomes president, she will not have a boss,” he analyzed. Rogelio Frigerio in an interview with Radio Millenium. And she concluded: “I know her. “He is not going to admit double command.”

Bullrich got tired of answering for Macri. She is tired of pretending that the former president is accompanying her, even though she is not convinced. That’s why she exploded. Those around her hope that, after the outburst of recent days, Let it finally be your moment of emancipation. Sooner or later, it was going to come.

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