Burgenland Extrem 2024: Free start for 224 miles around Lake Neusiedl

by time news

It’s finally that time again. The bikes are back on what is probably Austria’s most extreme tour. With “Bike 224 Miles” on the Burgenland Extrem Tour 2024, amateur and extreme athletes will cycle together three times around Lake Neusiedl.

OGGAU. Under the motto “The Bikes Are Back”, around 130 cycling enthusiasts started their 224 miles around Lake Neusiedl in Oggau in the early hours of the morning. After a five-year break, the cycling challenge made it back into Burgenland Extrem’s tour program. The weather is also kind to the athletes today, only the wind from the northwest will make the tour more difficult for the bikers from Podersdorf, according to organizer Tobias Monte.

Strict official requirements

The last time the cycling challenge took place was in 2019; the authorities’ requirements had simply become too strict back then, remembers organizer Michael Oberhauser. “The requirements are still very strict today, but we wanted to finally offer the bikers this unique challenge again,” said Oberhauser, at the cyclists’ briefing before the start.

Sharing the joy of cycling

So-called “corridor times” and “cut-off times” ensure a cycling experience without the stress of being the first to reach the finish line. “It’s about the shared joy of cycling and the freedom to ride one, two or three laps around Lake Neusiedl on your own initiative,” says Oberhauser. The drivers must not take more than four hours per lap and no slower than six hours to cover the 120 kilometers.

The bikers have 18 hours to complete the total of 180 kilometers. The route is precisely controlled with a “roadbook” and several checkpoints.

Local with us

A real local is also taking part in this year’s bike tour. Mario Kucher from Oggau is the only one in the lake community who takes on the challenge around the lake. He last took part in the tour in 2017 and is fighting despite the strong wind: “My goal is to do all three laps and of course to arrive back in Oggau after 18 hours at the latest,” said Kucher.

On January 26th at 4:30 a.m., the country’s largest exercise initiative starts in Oggau with the Burgenland Extreme Tour 2024. This year around 3,600 people are taking part in the lake tour. In addition to “School of Walk”, 250 elementary school children are starting their tour this year.

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