Burkina-Cadre-Concertation-Provinciale Sissili/Provincial consultation framework: The Ponasi 2 projects at the heart of the exchanges. | BIA

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Sissili/Provincial consultation framework: Ponasi 2 projects at the heart of exchanges.

Léo, (AIB)-The statutory members of the provincial consultation framework (Ccp) of Sissili met on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 in ordinary session. First of its kind of the year, this meeting under the chairmanship of the High Commissioner of the province of Sissili, Tewendé Isaac Sia, made it possible to discuss in particular the Ponasi 2 projects (Pnkt, Nazinga, Sissili).

The construction of the development plan cannot be done without the participation of all the actors. And good economic and political governance cannot be effective without the active participation of civil society, especially in the area of ​​natural resource management.

It is in this dynamic that this space for dialogue was initiated on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 in the meeting room of the Leo High Commission. The organization “Anges guardians of nature” (AGN) seized the opportunity to present its activities, in particular the Ponasi 2 projects to the actors of decentralized rural development in the province of Sissili.

According to the head of mission, Aimé Ouédraogo, the “Guardian Angels of Nature” is a Burkinabè non-profit organization, created in 2002 to bring together eco-guards and implement development, conservation and protection programs. of biodiversity.

It benefits from several conventions and collaboration in the fight against poaching and the fight against wildlife crime with the MEEA on several protected areas including the Ponasi (Pnkt, Nazinga, Sissili).

The Ponasi landscape in Burkina Faso has benefited from funding from a package of projects including the Ponasi 2 community and the Ponasi 2 security project led by AGN.

The community ponasi 2 or “support project for the sustainable and participatory management of protected areas for a more effective fight against the trafficking of natural resources in Burkina and Ghana” has three components (Ponasi, Wap and Crema).

Lasting 35 months, this project is financed by the European Union for a total amount of €3,000,000 out of €3,150,000, or 95%. It revolves around three main results, namely: the strengthening of cohesion and social organization, the development of income-generating activities (IGA) for the benefit of communities and the establishment of social safety nets. Its objective is to increase the resilience and social cohesion of communities bordering protected areas in order to provide better stability, conducive to the development and conservation of natural areas.

Ponasi 2 or ”strengthening of the bases for securing, sustainable and concerted management of the Ponasi complex” has a duration of 24 months and is also financed by the European Union for a total amount of €1,200,000 out of 1,265 .000€. It aims, among other things, to consolidate the achievements of Ponasi 1, reverse the trend of environmental degradation, ensure the sustainable protection and shared and integrated management of the natural and environmental resources of the Ponasi complex.

For the high commissioner of the sissili, Tewendé Isaac Sia, these projects carried out by ”the Guardian Angels of Nature” (AGN) will contribute to the strengthening of social cohesion and the improvement of the living conditions of the populations through the development of IGAs as well as the construction of socio-economic and sports infrastructures.

Burkia Information Agency

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