Burkina/Manga: stakeholders soak up the results of studies on sustainable agriculture | AIB

by time news

2023-09-08 00:24:39
Several public and private actors from the rural world take part in the workshop

Burkina/Manga: actors immerse themselves in the results of studies on sustainable agriculture

Manga, September 6, 2023 (AIB) – Representatives of technical services from the rural world, civil society, environmental projects and programs and research institutes gathered in Manga in a workshop to obtain information and debate, two days, the results of case studies carried out on the interventions of the Terres d’Opportités au Sahel (LOGMe) project, whose actions contribute to the development of agriculture that preserves the ecosystem in a sustainable manner.

The workshop for restitution and discussion of the results of the case studies on the achievements of the Lands of Opportunity project in the Sahel (LOGMe) and the formulation of a concept note is held on September 6 and 7, 2023, in Manga, head -location of the South-Central region as part of the “Accelerating the global transition to sustainable agriculture – IKEA” project implemented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Beneficiaries of the LOGMe project take part in the work, alongside stakeholders from technical services in the rural world, civil society, environmental projects and programs and research institutes.

“During these two days of work, it will be a question of following the restitution of the content of these studies and of making the necessary contributions in order to enrich it further,” explained the regional coordinator of the LOGMe project, Félicité Vodounhessi, at the opening of works.

The LOGMe project, carried out by the IUCN and other partner structures with funding from the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security through the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), has mainly focuses its areas of intervention on Nature-based Solutions (NFS).

The SFN, notes Ms. Vodounhessi, urges a shift from subsistence or industrial agriculture to diversified agriculture that allows both meeting the food needs of communities and allowing biodiversity to flourish.

According to the regional coordinator of the LOGMe project, Félicité Vodounhessi, the contributions of the participants will help to enrich the final document.

It emerges from the conclusions of the first study under review that in three years of implementation of the LOGMe project in its intervention zones of Center-East and Center-South in Burkina Faso, “the project was able to resolutely engage towards concrete results,” argued the “Accelerating the global transition to sustainable agriculture – IKEA” project manager, Germain Goungounga.

“The results of the studies show that upon analysis, most of the actions undertaken can be considered as meeting the criteria of sustainable agriculture according to the SFN criteria,” added Mr. Goungounga citing, in this regard, among others, the cultivation of fodder plants, reforestation activities, the practice of Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANN) and the development of value chains of non-timber forest products such as honey, karate and néré.

In the concept note of actions in favor of land health defined by the second study, four main results emerged, also informed Germain Goungounga.

The project manager “Accelerating the global transition to sustainable agriculture – IKEA”, Germain Goungounga, notes that the LOGMe project has achieved concrete results in terms of sustainable agriculture development.

He cites the implementation of effective restoration and sustainable management measures for agrarian landscapes and the improvement of agrosylvopastoral and fishery productivity (ASP-H) thanks to adapted technical itineraries and the use of selected seeds and adapted breeds. There is also, he said, the strengthening of the benefits derived from ASP-H products thanks to better management and promotion of products and the capitalization and making available to national and international decision-makers experiences and lessons in forms and suitable channels.

In light of the contributions and recommendations that will be made at the end of the two days of work, the final document on the studies carried out could thus serve as a compass for choices of actions in favor of environmentally friendly agriculture. , confided Félicitié Vodounhessi.

She also invited the participants to work towards this end. “I urge you to provide your quality contributions so that we can have a final document that we hope will influence many decisions to accelerate action to integrate land health into sustainable agriculture as a nature-based solution in Burkina Faso,” she said.

Burkina Faso Information Agency


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