Burkina: Nearly 2 billion FCFA will be invested in universal health insurance for workers | BIA

by time news

2023-08-28 20:03:08

Burkina- Launch- Project- Protection- Labor

Burkina: Nearly 2 billion FCFA will be invested in universal health insurance for workers

Ouagadougou, August 28, 2023 (AIB) – The second phase of universal health insurance for workers in Burkina will be financed to the tune of 2 billion FCFA and should cover 3 million 300 thousand workers in the public and private sectors, including actors in the the informal economy, by 2025, the AIB learned on Monday.

“At an estimated cost of 2,600,000 euros, or nearly two billion FCFA, the second phase of the project ”Building social protection floors for all”. aims to finalize the technical parameters of the universal health insurance scheme on the basis of a national consensus and finally begin its operationalization,” said the Head of Cooperation of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium, Marie-Goretti Nyirarukundo.

According to her, social protection is a fundamental human right and not a privilege reserved for the few. It is one of the most effective instruments for combating poverty.

“This social protection is not just a simple government policy, it is a solid foundation for equal opportunity, it is also a symbol of a commitment to human dignity, social justice and equity” , she added.

Marie-Goretti Nyirarukundo indicated that the second phase aims to consolidate the achievements of the first phase, which has made it possible to achieve significant results, among other things, the solid foundations, especially at the legal level, on which to build an operational and sustainable universal health insurance scheme. in Burkina Faso.

Marie-Goretti Nyirarukundo spoke on Monday August 28, 2023 in Ouagadougou, during the launch of the second phase of the project “Building social protection floors for all”, in the presence of the Minister of the Public Service, Labor and Protection social, Bassolma Bazié.

“According to the spirit of Convention 102 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), each State should take steps to protect its populations from the economic and social difficulties that may result from illness, maternity, accident at work or an occupational disease, unemployment, invalidity, old age and death”, informed the Minister in charge of the Public Service Bassolma Bazié.

Mr. Bazié reassured that the operationalization of the universal health insurance scheme remains a priority for the Transition, with the first target being 15% of the population, i.e. 3,300,000 workers in the public and private sectors, including actors in the informal economy, covered by 2025.

He also urged all stakeholders in the implementation of the project, to appropriate the different articulations of the project’s actions and to invest themselves fully in order to make the project a success in Burkina Faso.

“The Government will spare no effort to strengthen the accessibility of health services to all, in particular through the operationalization of universal health insurance and the promotion of social mutuals”, he reassured. .

“We have a common responsibility to ensure that health insurance is a reality for all Burkinabè regardless of their income levels,” said the director of the International Labor Organization (ILO), Fréderic Lapeyre.

According to him, phase 1 of the project aimed to strengthen social protection through the extension of health coverage to workers in the informal economy. He provided support for the start-up of the universal health insurance scheme.

“For the implementation of this second phase of the project, it will generally be a question of finalizing and approving the technical and financial parameters of the scheme, developing appropriate tools and procedures, building the capacities of actors and institutions, ‘initiate the process of contracting with the supply of care and support communication and awareness of the actors,’ he said.

Burkina Information Agency


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