burned alive by her ex, now she is reborn

by time news

2023-11-12 17:54:48

“I was risking the wheelchair, now I can chase my granddaughter. And despite a thousand difficulties and problems, and a still long journey ahead of me, I am happy.” Maria Antonietta Rositani, victim of violence by her ex-husband, thus talks about her rebirth, thanks to the free treatment of burn scars with the ‘RigeneraDerma’ project. From the clear eyes of the Calabrian woman, her courage and determination shine through: her strength, and the affection of her family, allowed her to take back her life after the terrible attack she suffered. In 2019, her ex-husband doused her in petrol and set her on fire: Marie Antoinette woke up in intensive care, suspended between life and death, with burns on 50% of her body.

He spent 20 months in hospital and underwent dozens of surgeries. “The contact and warmth of my father’s hand, who was close to me amidst many difficulties and sacrifices, allowed me to face the atrocious pain” of those very difficult months. In addition to the pain, the burns on my lower limbs, with extensive fibrosis and deep, made it almost impossible for her to move her legs. She risked being in a wheelchair. Marie Antoinette never gave up. “On March 12, 2019, I didn’t die, but a new life began for me. It’s been a long struggle, mine. I owed it to my children and I also owe it to other women who may find themselves in my situation,” she tells time.news Salute.

Today it tells of its rebirth, like the Arabian Phoenix from the ashes. “I have become a symbol of the fight against violence against women, I fight so that there are no other Maria Antonietta Rositani and I feel like a spokesperson for all those women who are no longer here. I saved myself, I knew evil, but at the same time I discovered the other side of the coin: I received the affection and support of many people who helped me and my family. Women who are victims of violence must be concretely helped. I wish everyone could have the same opportunities I had,” she underlines. Maria Antonietta underwent treatment for burn scars free of charge with Biodermogenesi, a 100% made in Italy methodology for the regeneration of skin tissue. The results of the treatments were presented during the 1st congress of health and social well-being, which has just concluded in Isola delle Femmine, Palermo.

“We documented the three phases of the treatment, initial, intermediate and final, using three tools: photos, the macroscopic aspect, i.e. what is visible to the naked eye, and ultrasound – explains Salvatore Marafioti, surgeon and aesthetic doctor who accompanied the Rositani in the treatment process – After just a few sessions with Biodermogenesi we found greater skin elasticity which allowed Mrs Rositani greater movement of the limbs. The improvement also concerned the texture of the skin: colour, softness, shine”. And “thanks to the ultrasound – he continues – we observed that all the skin layers, even the muscular one, achieved an improvement. In some areas we detected the appearance of the superficial venous network and the regrowth of hair. A result – he underlines – that surprised us”.

For the woman, the inflammation of the tissues at multiple levels was “like a building on fire from the first to the last floor. Well, thanks to the treatments with this methodology, the fire was put out”, comments Marafioti. “In the patient, the fibrosis was so extensive and deep that it also compromised the normal muscular activity of the legs, making it difficult to walk regularly. The removal of the fibrosis freed the muscles and now the patient moves with greater autonomy, even being able to do short runs “, says Maurizio Busoni, researcher, professor at the master’s degree in Aesthetic Medicine at the University of Camerino and the University of Barcelona and head of the pro bono RigeneraDerma project.

“I met Professor Busoni and Biodemogenesi – says Rositani – at the Women for Women against Violence – Camomilla Award, where the story of Filomena Lamberti was told, another woman victim of violence, scarred by her husband with acid. I I saw how Filomena was reborn thanks to the treatments and I understood that I too had a chance. I owe a lot to them and to associations like Wall of Dolls, with their support I can pay for the creams.” For her, creams are like ‘life-saving’ drugs, “but public health doesn’t approve them, it considers them cosmetics. I spend around 800 euros a month on creams, without the help of the associations I couldn’t”.

The associations have been fundamental in the rebirth of the Calabrian woman. “When I was in hospital, I was assisted and cared for, I felt protected – she says – but once out, there is no type of assistance. I had to make do, taking adequate care with the disability pension is practically impossible”.

Not only. “The State provides compensation, which was paid to me after 4 years. I was able to pay very little of the debts that my father and then I made to allow me to survive. This compensation must be given immediately to women victims of violence – is Marie Antoinette’s appeal – to allow them to get their lives back. Let’s give dignity to people, dignity is health”.

Maria Antonietta, Filomena and, like them, many other women attacked, mistreated, scarred. On November 14th, again with RigeneraDerma, the therapeutic journey of another woman symbol of gender violence will begin: Pinky, the girl of Indian origin, born and resident in Italy, who was attacked with fuel and then with flames by ex-husband, in front of their 2 and 5 year old children. The project, which has the University of Verona as its partner, offers free scar treatment to 500 people who cannot afford it. In addition to women victims of violence, it is open to economically disadvantaged people of both sexes.

#burned #alive #reborn

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