Burnout Syndrome in Latin America: The most affected countries

by time news

2023-11-22 22:00:58

There are quite serious health problems that often go unnoticed. He Burnout Syndrome in Latin America It is one of the greatest because regardless of its impact, most nations have not done enough to combat it. The result is tired full-time people and a vicious circle is generated.

What is Burnout Syndrome?

Before moving forward, it is necessary to understand this term that emerged in medical literature during the 1970s. In general, it is used to describe the sum of physical and mental fatigue. It is also characterized by other aspects that people must meet to be diagnosed.

Emotional exhaustion, fatigue and depression. Relationship of symptoms with work activity. Predominance of these symptoms in the mental and behavioral areas over physical fatigue. Appearance of symptoms in normal people without a “psychopathological” history. Inefficiency and poor performance at work.

An important point is that this condition goes beyond the feeling of tiredness and exhaustion. Its impact directly affects the personal relationships and work performance of workers.

Likewise, when it is not attended to in a timely manner it can lead to consequences of various types. The most serious is the suicidewhich is increasingly common in people from all social strata and all ages.

Burnout Syndrome in Latin America

Now, although it is a condition that does not discriminate, the Latin American region is one of the most affected. In this regard, the portal Bumeran conducted an investigation that identified that the nation that tops the ranking is Argentina. It was identified that 94% of those interviewed claim to suffer from this syndrome.

For its part, slightly lower are Chile with 91%, Ecuador with 83%, Panama with 78% and Peru with 77%.

While in general, 52% of the workers surveyed in all Latin American countries stated that they had felt lack of energy or extreme tiredness. 41%, meanwhile, experienced negativism or cynicism in relation to work, and 23% noticed a decrease in their effectiveness at work. Almost half (48%) experienced all of these symptoms together.

Why is it generated?

Regarding the possible causes of job burnout, employees named, first, a lack of clarity regarding their role at work, closely followed by work overload. They also mentioned “treatment from superiors”, pressure and lack of time. When respondents were asked what plans they had to reduce or combat burnout, almost half (46%) answered: “change jobs.”

Although perhaps the most serious thing is that many employees around the world did not ask for medical license even feeling sick. While the majority suffered record levels of stress this year, as a result of the return to the new normal due to the pandemic.

Regardless of the country in which it occurs, the Burnout syndrome It should never be missed or ignored. It is a situation that requires a professional diagnosis to avoid consequences that can be fatal.

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