Burnt-out freighter with 4,000 VW cars sank

by time news

A burned-out freighter carrying nearly 4,000 VW Group cars sank in rough Atlantic Ocean waters on Tuesday while the ship was being towed away. This was confirmed by the Portuguese Navy. The fire on the “Felicity Ace” broke out on February 16 in the Azores. The 22-man crew had been saved. Most of the cars on board, destined for the US market, were already destroyed or badly damaged by the fire.

SN/APA/Portuguese Air Force/HANDO

The crew of the freighter was saved

Accessed on 03/01/2022 at 06:29 at https://www.sn.at/panorama/international/ausbrenner-frachter-mit-4-000-vw-autos-gesunken-117799486

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