“The fire finished the ruined cafe Pearl of the sea,” announced on August 13, 1994 Days national news column. This is how the world’s glory passes, in this case – Soviet glory, which began 55 years ago, in 1969, in the restaurant built in 1965 in the Bulduru dunes, from the terrace of which you could watch the beach during the summer holidays, at that time it was so crowded with vacationers that the sand almost seeped through the bodies could not see (even more crowded than the Bulduri-Dzintari beach during the summer holidays of the 1970s, only Jurmala trains were, today you can see such crowding only in videos about some good trains in India).
In fact, the mere mortal was almost not destined to experience the said glory, even though he eats ice cream and drinks coffee during the day In the pearl of the sea could be. Real life that Sea pearls made legendary throughout the Soviet Union, especially in Moscow, where it started at midnight since October 1, 1969, when In the pearl of the sea one of the first variety programs in the USSR began to operate. It simply couldn’t be done, the tickets had to be ordered a couple of months in advance. There is no disputing about taste, but the atmosphere of Soviet restaurants was generally a rather nasty phenomenon, no matter how many famous artists, starting with singers Aina Bāliņa and Laima Vaikuli, did not perform there, because the audience did not correspond to the picture drawn by Soviet ideology, they did not sit at the tables here at midnight with locksmiths and sweepers, celebrating the socialist labor victories. Communist party functionaries and persons close to them sat, and underground millionaires condemned by Soviet ideology, and the further into the 80s, the more criminal this audience became, even before that being distinctly Russian, if not in content, then certainly in form.
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2024-08-28 16:19:22