Burundi: Between ancestral tradition and geopolitical manipulation

by time news

2023-07-31 15:56:00

The Senate of Burundi launches the evaluation of ethnic quotas: Between tradition and Western geopolitics.

Expected, 30/07/2023 – This Monday, the solemn chamber of the Senate of Burundi resounded with the voices of the legislators, thus launching the evaluation of the system of ethnic quotas in the spheres of the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary. This approach responds to article 289 of the Constitution of the Republic of Burundi. The session, of crucial importance for the future of the country, will be broadcast on the platforms of the RTNB and the official website of the Senate, senat.bi.

The question facing the Barundi is of unprecedented gravity. They now have the choice to rebuild their society on the foundations of their thousand-year-old tradition, that of the Barundi, or to continue to rely on Western geopolitics which has established a concept of fictitious ethnicity which has generated conflicts and more than 4, 5 million victims between 1959 and 2003, known as the regicide genocide of Burundi.

Traditionally, Burundian society used the term “Hutu” [1] and “Tutsi” [2] to describe its socio-economic system. The Bahutu, the body of production, and the Batutsi, the body of just managers. The Batutsi worked to redistribute resources equitably, guided by the planning drawn up by the Banyamabanga, the learned planners – regulators and legislators, acting on behalf of the Mwami, the representative chosen by the chiefs of the imiryango, the Burundian political entities.
This planning aimed to meet the needs of all Imiryango Barundi by taking into consideration the available resources, in particular the production of Barundi. The surpluses thus generated were used for exchanges between the different states, always with a view to satisfying local needs.

In a geopolitical design, the Belgian colonists altered these socio-economic terms of the Barundi into political and ethnic concepts. Their objective was to erase the real political entities that are the imiryango within Burundian society. This materialized through two Belgian colonial administrative reforms: first, in 1934, by classifying the Imiryango Barundi into Bahutu, Batutsi, Batwa [4]they are married [5] and others ; then in 1959, by decree, replacing the authentic Burundian political entities – the imiryango – by political parties, entities totally foreign to the Barundi.

In the early 1960s, when Burundi gained independence, the United States, the Vatican, Belgium and France, with the aim of establishing a market economy, orchestrated a regicide genocide between 1966 and 1972, thus putting end to the traditional state of the Barundi, Ingoma y’Uburundi. This sinister event involved the assassination of the Mwami, many Baganwa and a large number of leaders of the imiryango barundi. At the same time, they worked to suppress the traditional economic system of the Barundi by organizing the genocide against the Bahutu Barundi in 1972-1973, targeting the producers of Burundian resources, which satisfied the needs of the population.
By controlling the media narrative, this group of Westerners propagated the idea that this crime against humanity resulted from an ethnic (tribal) political conflict between Hutu and Tutsi. This manipulation led the Bahutu victims to crystallize their hatred towards the Batutsi, then vice versa, thus exacerbating the tensions.
These same actors succeeded, after the civil war in Burundi from 1993 to 2003 [6]to preserve their geopolitical tool – the Hutu/Tutsi ethnic groups – by integrating them into the Arusha Agreement and institutionalizing them in the Burundian constitution as the country’s political entities.
The whole world was able to observe the consequences of the geopolitical instrumentalization of these false entities, Hutu and Tutsi, during the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Thus, for Burundi, the integration of these ethnic classifications in the institutions represented and still represents a neo-colonial geopolitical trap. This risks continuing to fuel artificial divisions, threatening the stability and unity of the country. This is what the senators of Burundi will assess.

Notes :
[1] Hutus – https://burundi-agnews.org/hutu/
[2] tutsi – https://burundi-agnews.org/tutsi/
[3] umu/imiRyango – – At the level of Ubungoma, -ryango- is the radiation of the energy of the world of sounds (cfr. couple Mukakaryenda/Karyenda, ingoma) active in the creation of our world. An energy carried by Imana. An energy for a particular destiny (a chance). Special sounds. The imiryango are categories carrying distinct radiations of energies with particular destinies.
[4] umu/abaTwa – ; [5] umu/abaGanwa – https://burundi-agnews.org/ganwa/
In Barundi tradition, the Batwa, Baganwa, Batware, and Mwami are political institutions of the traditional Barundi state – Ingoma y’Uburundi – established with reference to the Ubungoma of the Barundi (the cosmology of the Barundi). They are cosmocratic actors.
In the ubungoma, the batwa represent the orifice allowing the vibrations of the world of sounds (cf. the Couple Mukakaryenda/Karyenda, Ingoma – the Drum –) to generate our world, our universe.
The Baganwa represent the energy of the world of sounds (cfr. couple MukaKaryenda-Karyenda) allowing the creation of our universe.
Thus, without the Twa and the Baganwa, the traditional state of the Barundi – Ingoma y’uburundi – cannot exist.
[6] Burundi facing the GUAN – Neoliberal American Unipolar Globalization – https://burundi-agnews.org/diplomatie/le-burundi-face-a-la-guan-globalisation-unipolaire-americaine-neoliberale/

Source : Nahimana P., Lundi 31 juillet 2023 | Photo : Historical Conference

#Burundi #ancestral #tradition #geopolitical #manipulation

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