Burundi / Ubungoma of the African Great Lakes: Society and Ancestral Traditions

by time news

2023-09-16 14:52:13

Exploration of Political, Social and Cultural Structures

Expected, 16/09/2023 – In the millennial society [1] of the Ubungoma of the African Great Lakesseveral essential aspects must be considered.

The company is based on the principles ofYou were singing (ubuntu), cinyabuguma, socialismserving as references to find the truth (ukuri). It is symbolized by a drum (ingoma) and various sacred drums. There sacred word et the sound of the drum say to themselves “agreed“, evoking the coming of Imana or the creation of the universeof first radiation. The sound of the drum carries within it all the sounds carried by the names of the imiryango (umuryango). Kiranga initiates grumble to refer to it. The sacred or supreme being, the Great Whole, or Totality East a trinity represented par le couple Mukakaryenda [2] – Karenda, Imana. The couple Character-Characteristic allows us to link ourselves to this trinity, through the ancestors. L’first ancestor is called ce couple Mukakiranga-Kiranga, Mukayangombe-Ryangombe, Lyangombe, wamara, lubale, bicwezi, ndawula, wamala, mukasa, kagoro, etc.

L’Ubungoma, the cosmology of the Barundiexplain that chaque individu -person- (cfr. ubuntu) has a heart –the heart– revealing whether this one must live – god– by letting go, live naturallydecide to be – the sheep – or to create your own path –process– with – wisdom – (intelligence) in order to achieve his destiny.

The news festival yeara year-, symbolizing the arrival of Imana, is called Muganuro, Mubande, Muganuru, Ndolegwwa, Mubandampundu, etc.

The ontology of this company is based on Freedom. The human being – umuntu – is composed of the vital principle (obuzine), the breath (omûka), the soul (cizunguzungu), and the spirit (muzimu, biyaga, bikwezi, emandwa). The afterlife is called okuzimu, and there are prohibitions or taboos (imiziro).

THE family groups allowing the founding of a company are called families. The head of a family group is called they shoutedand each family group has a totem, a slave, animaletc.

Pour connect with ancestors and go back in timewe use cult techniques such as kubandwa, wichwezi, etc. The cult technicians are called Bishegu, Biru, bashamuka, embandwa, bachwezi, and the places of worship for the practices are called “kagondo”, etc. The initiation is said start or start etc.and the initiators are those mentioned above: the bashamuka, embandwa, bachwezi, etc.

In this society, political institutions are of great importance. The enthronement of a traditional chief is also said “to be trusted“. The traditional leader may be called Lord, King, Lord, King, etc.and his wife is designated as Turtles, Mwāmikazi, etc., while the mother of the traditional leader can be named Mwamikazi, Mugabekazi, etc. The Regent or Regent bears the titles of Mugabe, Mugabe etc. Those who represent and defend l’alliance between family groups -imiryango-, thus founding the society represented by a traditional chief, are called they are born, they are born, they are born, they are born, etc. On trouve autour d’eux des families tel Bahumbi, Bakimbiri, Bajiji, Batasha, Banyamwasha, Bankango, Bahondogo, Banyiginya, Babito, Bahinda, Banangira, Baluzi, etc.

THE objects and symbols of power are also important in this society. For example in Ingoma Y’Uburundi, we talk about Drum, such as Karyenda, spears, arrows, and shields.

THE boss meetings are known as baraza and lukiko, etc.

Chefs’ titles are cyclical in Ingoma y’Uburundi, four in number forming a whole: the lion, the moon, the moon, the moon, or individual elsewhere such as nkanza, gibumu, ruhaga, kimenyi, ruhinda, gwasa, canyon, etc.

It exists brotherhoods of people with -umutima- true, good, just and harmonious hearts, as singers, musicians, comedians, singers, soothsayers, milkmen, etc.

The territorywhether it is a country, provinces, counties, territories, etc., is called empire, country, old man, gombolola, basket, etc.

Various offices have specific titles, such as Prime Minister (the chief minister), the master of ceremonies (don’t care), the supreme magistrate (established), the political and religious advisor (kimbugwe), the commander of the pages (sabakaki), the person responsible for military matters (in a coat), the religious and land rights official (ace, bajinji), and parliament (hook), including king, princes, king, king, etc.

THE socio-economic actors understand producers (bahutu, etc.); fair managers (batutsi, baluzi, etc.); et regulators, legislators, and planners (banyamabanga, biru, bajinji, bagingi, etc.). THE armed forcesare called heads, shields, bows, etc. and the bahamagazi public criers. The guides are called barongozi, and the foreigners integration system is called should, should, etc.


[1] Burundi: – Mudende -, le belier – isuguru – compagnon millénaires d’Ingoma Y’ubrundi – https://bdiagnews.com/histoire/burundi-mudende-le-belier-isuguru-compagnion-millenaires-dingoma-yuburundi/

[2] Burundi : The dynasty of Mukakaryenda – From Inakibindigiri to Ruburisoni – https://burundi-agnews.org/propagari/burundi-la-dynastie-des-mukakaryenda/

Sources :
– Jean-Pierre Chrétien, Africa of the Great Lakes Two Thousand Years of History
– Mulago Vincent, African Theology and Related Issues.

Source : Nahimana P. , Saturday, September 16, 2023 | Photo : Wikipedia photo.

#Burundi #Ubungoma #African #Great #Lakes #Society #Ancestral #Traditions

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