Burundi / Umukenererarugamba Day – 2ème edition : Les Bakenererarugamba de Belgique en fête –

by time news

Umukenyererarugamba Day – 2nd edition: The Bakenyererarugamba of Belgium celebrated International Women’s Day 2023.

Sint-Genesius-Rode (Belgium), 2023-04-1 – Sharing a drink and a sumptuous meal. Ending with music and dancing until dawn for some. Warm regards, Saturday, They are fighting (name of CNDD-FDD activists) of the CNDD-FDD Belgium Section met around the Umukeneryarugamba Day – 2ème edition . Closing in this way the various activities having been dedicated, in March 2023, throughout the world, to girls, ladies, mothers and grandmothers. putting the female gender in the spotlight.

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Sources : Nahimana P., Samedi 1 avril 2023 | Photo: CNDD-FDD

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