Business France and the CFCIM formalize the renewal of the CSP “Team France Export”

by times news cr

2024-04-11 20:15:27

The agreement to renew the CSP “Team France Export” was signed by the president of the CFCIM, Claudia Gaudiau-Francisco, and the general director of Business France, Laurent Saint-Martin, during a ceremony marked by the presence of the Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, Francophonie and French people abroad, Franck Riester.

This renewal illustrates the complete confidence placed in the CFCIM while setting even stronger ambitions to develop the business flow between Morocco and France with strong attention paid to Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which constitute the real richness of the bilateral relationship.

Speaking on this occasion, Ms. Gaudiau-Francisco welcomed the intensity of economic relations between Morocco and France, noting that this economic dynamism is manifested in particular by the daily commitment of a set of economic actors .

“Within the CFCIM, this dynamic constitutes our DNA and guides our daily action, in the direction of Morocco-France and France-Morocco. We are committed to continuing our action and further strengthening this exceptional economic relationship,” said -she affirmed.

For his part, Mr. Saint-Martin underlined the uniqueness of the partnership between Business France and the Franco-Moroccan Chamber of Commerce, highlighting the expertise, know-how and experience of this institution which make this collaboration is effective and based on trust.

According to him, the CSP “Team France Export” of the CFCIM constitutes “a considerable strike force and we are extremely proud of it”.

“This concession goes beyond the simple management of commercial affairs and also includes other actors such as foreign trade advisors, French Tech and the French Development Agency (AFD), thus contributing to the strengthening of commercial relations and investment between France and Morocco”, he added.

Mr. Saint-Martin also estimated that “the current moment is conducive to an acceleration of this dynamic, as evidenced by the structuring partnership projects between Business France and the CFCIM, aimed at further supporting French companies, in cooperation with companies Moroccans.

The signing of this agreement reflects our common ambition to encourage business success and promote the exchange of talents between the two countries, he maintained, welcoming this “important step in our commitment to strengthening ties economic relations between France and Morocco.

This ceremony took place as part of Mr. Riester’s visit to Morocco from April 3 to 5, 2024, which is part of an agenda aimed at strengthening economic and commercial ties between France and Morocco.

Also taking part in this meeting at the CFCIM headquarters were the Ambassador of France to Morocco, Christophe Lecourtier, the Bpifrance export development director, Marie-Albane Prieur, the president of the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry abroad (CCIFI), Arnaud Vaissié, as well as numerous representatives of the Moroccan institutions partners of the CFCIM.

2024-04-11 20:15:27

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