But in Sadigura: the old man of the followers passed away

by time news

The old Hassid Rabbi Mordechai Menachem (Motel) Halevi Deutsch, the late Sadigora Hassidic Elder, passed away this evening at the age of 95. About two and a half years ago, he lost his firstborn son. His funeral will be held tomorrow morning at Nachalat Yitzhak Cemetery in Givatayim

Baruch Dayan the truth: On Saturday evening, the news was received from the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv about the passing away in a good shivah of the Hasshishi Rabbi Rabbi Mordechai Menachem (Motel) Halevi Deutsch, late of one of the most important Hasidim of Sadigora and the Elder of the Hasidim, and he was 95 years old at the time of his death.

The late deceased was born on T. Nisan 2008 in Sanik in Galicia to his father R. Zvi the late and his mother Martha Leah A.H. Throughout the years he was devoted to his holy rabbis of the Rozin family, Bayan and Sadigora for generations in an unbelievable way, first with the Rebbe of Bayan the Leipziger who devotedly cared for him during the days of austerity.

By choice, he studied at the ‘Sheft Emet’ yeshiva of Gur Hasidism in Jerusalem, and was close to the Rebbe of the ‘Beit Yisrael Magor ztzel’. When he arrived at the chapter of the man of the temple, he married his wife Mrs. Esther Gitel Shethai, Beit Sheinfeld.

For many years, he would travel to hang out in the shadow of the Rebbe of Bayan, ztzal, in New York in the years when this was rare, also being a Sadigora Chasid, he was devoted to the rebbe of the Sadigore House, the Knesset Mordechai, the Akabi Avirim, ztzal, was from Amudi The center of Shtibel Rosin on Hefetz Haim Street in Bnei Brak.

In addition to being a merchant who did kindness to thousands by being a great businessman for the Rozin Sadigora yeshiva in the BV, he was a prayer leader, and was a story teller of tzadikim, every Shabbat night he would go up to the Sadigora yeshiva where he would tell and fascinate the young men with stories of Hassidim.

R. Mottel was a figure of a Chassid from past generations, a character who in his very personality embodied the majestic figures of the Chassidim elders in ancient years. Rabbi Motel, who had a Shacharit prayer for decades with the Rebbe of Sadigura, the Knesset of Mordechai and Akabi Avirim, the elders of the Hassidim and the transmitters of the Torah tradition and the practices of Hassidism from generation to generation, raised generations of Hasidic flowers on his lap who drank thirstily of his words, stories and sayings.

The faith of his sages was amazing. One of the Hassidim says that we all remember with what indifference he would go to ask for a blessing from Rebbe Akabi Avirim. How he stood in front of the Rebbe with strength and courage and as a servant before his rabbi. How much emotion there was in his prayers, how much he did much to establish Torah institutions, and how much kindness he did with a good eye and a large heart.

Even in the last years when he became weak, the followers remembered his famous melody “May your mercy, O Lord, be upon us when we are sick of you” that accompanied the Sadigura court for decades.

He won and left behind him a blessed generation of righteous people, his sons: Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Israel, Mohel Rabbi Yitzhak Yoel Ze’ev, his sons-in-law; Rabbi Eliyahu Polak, Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Teper, Rabbi Yechiel Lodemir, Rabbi Meir Hershler and Rabbi Israel Ginzburg.

In the month of Av 555, he mourned his eldest son Rabbi Zvi Hershel Halevi, late of the Sadigura Chassidim, who passed away at the age of 65.

The funeral procession will leave tomorrow (Sunday) at 10:30 a.m. from his home at 13 Gutmacher Street in the neighborhood of Shikhun H in the BV opposite Beit Midrash Gadol Sadigora to the Nachalat Yitzhak cemetery in Givatayim, where Yeatman will be buried.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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