But: The Kabbalistic Tzaddik from Raanana has passed away

by time news

From Raanana comes the news of the departure of the Kabbalist Rabbi Raphael Edri ztl. ‘In the Haredi Rooms’ with first lines for the figure of the Tzaddik who fell ill and died to the chagrin of every heart His funeral tomorrow from Raanana to Jerusalem

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: From Raanana comes the hard and sad news about the departure of the Tzaddik Kabbalist Rabbi Raphael Edri, who is ready to be “the Tzaddik from Raanana” and is 80 years old at his death.

Rabbi Raphael ztl is the stepson of the Tzaddik from Raanana Rabbi Yitzchak Huberman ztl.

The Tzaddik Rebbe, Rabbi Raphael Edri, known as the “Tzaddik from Raanana”, has fallen ill in recent years and has sometimes been hospitalized.

Rabbi Raphael Edri is his stepson and continues the path of the Tzaddik from Raanana, Rabbi Yitzchak Huberman, the son of the late Ben Lashri.

In 5733, his wife, Rebbetzin Hassida Edri, passed away after suffering a stroke near the shrine of Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes in Tiberias.

His leadership in Raanana was for that purpose many would flock to the Birkat Yitzchak yeshiva in Raanana to receive his blessings and advice. He had a special connection to the Shas movement and is headed by Shas chairman Aryeh Deri, who was a regular guest at the celebratory meals he hosted.

Won and left behind a blessed righteous generation four sons and five daughters and dozens of descendants. His son Rabbi Shmuel Edri Huberman continues his path.

The funeral procession will depart tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11:00 a.m., from his seminary at 20 Ibn Gvirol Street in Raanana and at 3:00 PM on Mount of Beatitudes in Jerusalem, where Whitman is buried.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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