but the load of responsibility between children and parents is decisive – time.news

by time news

2023-04-17 06:53:54

Of Elena Meli

You become a hinge between generations, but you risk suffocating your own needs: the curve of happiness over a lifetime seems to have its downward peak right at this stage. And for women there is menopause

Less than 1 in 5 people, according to a US research some time ago has one midlife crisis. The idea that at the turn of 50 the majority try to feel young again, with the cosmetic surgery or sports carsa misunderstanding: this was underlined by a survey by the psychologist Margie Lachman of Brandeis University (Massachusetts), according to whom the crisis, after all, concerns a few.

Load of responsibilities

Furthermore, it does not count to identify a specific age for entry into maturity, because the moment in different people can arrive at different ages, but rather to evaluate the roles who usually associate with it and who they can become source of imbalances: professional position, partner, children and parents to take care of are the fronts on which to compete from the doors onwards. Middle age coincides with a period of balances between existential gains and losses, but above all it has a central role in existence because a pivotal phase between generationssays Lachman. For many it is a moment full of opportunities, earnings, satisfactions; problems occur when the load of responsibilities, typical of this period, becomes excessive, and with the changes taking place in society it happens more and more often: instead of suffering from the empty nest syndrome, today we support already grown children, while we look after elderly parents and face job insecurity . All factors that make you more fearful of the future. Perhaps leading to a crisis that manifests itself not only with the madness of the fifties, but with discomforts that influence the state of health, a consequence of stress, such as sleep disturbances or cardiometabolic diseases.

The peak of dissatisfaction

Moreover, even if you do not enter a real midlife crisis, the curve of happiness over a lifetime seems to have its downward peak at this stage: taking care of yourself to avoid a real collapse of well-being, therefore decisive, from the door onwards.

There is a time clock for women

If defining middle age from a biological point of view is not easy, in the case of women there is an additional decisive and evident element: the menopause
, which on average reaches around 50 years of age and transports from a phase in which one is not yet old, but youth and the possibility of having children have disappeared. It is a timekeeper inevitable or, as the gynecologist, endocrinologist and sexologist of the Irccs San Matteo of Pavia Rossella Nappi defines it, a portal that opens onto other scenarios that are not necessarily negative. Menopause met heris not the end of life, so it can be an opportunity to take stock of personal and work experience, to start taking better care of yourself. It should be experienced as a new beginning, an opportunity: the body changes and must find a new balance, succeeding in it is possible and necessary because today women at 50 are active, they work, plus with the postponement of the pregnancy age they often have even relatively young children. When approaching menopause you shouldn’t be afraid, but take stock of yourself and your gynecologist to find the best way to face the second half of life.

What happens to men

In the case of men the issue is more nuanced because there is noandropause in the strict sense, given that the reproductive capacity does not cease completely. However, starting from the age of 40, the testicles produce less and less testosterone, with a decrease of about 1% per year, explains Alessandro Palmieri, president of the Italian Andrology Society. Around the age of 50 and even more, in the 60s and beyond, the quantity can be so low as to cause symptoms of a real male climacteric including decreased desire, sleep and mood disturbances, increased abdominal fat and decreased testicular volume. There isn’t a fixed age at which it happens, nor does everyone necessarily have ailments; to safeguard testosterone production as much as possible, in middle age and beyond, you need a healthy lifestyle without alcohol, smoking and drugs that damage testicular function, but also moderate and constant physical exercise and regular sexual activity .

April 17, 2023 (change April 17, 2023 | 06:53 am)

#load #responsibility #children #parents #decisive #time.news

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