But what are the police doing?

by time news

2024-08-06 08:23:00

And, above all, who says the police don’t have a sense of humor? (1)

This, in any case, you have. This is the whole meaning of the word (2). Let me explain.

“Fred” has been a policeman for 25 years. Like thousands of his colleagues from all over France, the Ministry of the Interior asked him to ensure security during the Olympic Games, and to help ensure that road traffic is not make “too- even” (3) complicated in the capital. , during the 23 days of this madness. (4)

For this police officer who often investigates misdemeanors and crimes, finding himself “on the street” is sad to say the least. Indeed, instead of following criminals and criminals, it has been assigned to Carrefour, Auchan, Intermarché, Leclerc, Aldi, Magasins U, Lidl (5), to report there. In this case “tape and untape”: place and remove a marking tape, for motorized ground vehicles such as cars or motorcycles with three or four wheels , five with spare wheels, it is certain that the authorization to use the public road that matter is reserved for authorized persons, that is to say with the badge “KIFO. »

It is an achievement of oh-so important and satisfactory performance, with high attention and the required calmness, that shows in the video posted on July 25, 2024, to share his pride. His pride and “ubiquity” (6), not to say insulting, character of the situation.

Originally from Marseille, “Fred” joined his video for the pleasure of Bouches-du-Rhône, oh well! The speech shows that during his mission, he succeeded in resisting a cat that he had done to stay away from that road, which, without the appearance of this hero who is skilled for the organization of the people that does not allow this game, the anger of this ” a carnivorous mammal, of the family Felidae, which includes many domestic species and some mammals » planned to project, would have confused the inhabitants of the area, namely rats: the unofficial mascots of “PARIS 2024.” Unofficially, but really, and in large numbers, in the streets of the capital. A joy and an additional attraction for tourists. Free too!

Unfortunately for “Fred”, he was a victim of his own success.

His video has gone viral, his authorities have told him. And although it has reached their ears … unlike the Internet users, who all laugh, “Fred’s” officers are not only accepted as “Gnafron” (Guignol’s faithful friend with which he often mocks the gendarme), but, also , since they have their noses. And, once again, they looked at him with dirty eyes. No doubt because “Fred” acted on a “whim”, as in the film named by Jean-Jacques Annaud, a film in which the star actor was for a time in prison for rape that was innocent, and for driving while is drunk. , which, however, he is guilty of.

Pardi! Alcohol level established shortly after his autopsy, and was carried out by a blood test, in the old-body blood body following his weapon-assisted suicide (7), and officially perpetrated by himself, and blood test which, therefore, you do not understand. , “Patrick” in question has taken “Dewaere” a lot.

Joking aside, our comedian of the day was called by the inspector general of the national police, “the police officer”, in (detention) with a view to possible sanctions.

This time, no offense to them, it was “Fred” who led the scores.

Why do I say this? Because of the preventive sanction and the “Protection” measures (“to prevent the repetition of the crime”), “Fred” was removed from his mission, with an immediate return to Strasbourg, the usual place of assignment and the place of his home and family is located.

Yes! Go, for him, in Paris and his madness where he chose “to the streets.” » In the hope, of course, that through the real sanction, this time, and it is very heavy, that falls in finehe does not see himself “in the street”.

In which case, he will have to satisfy himself with what is necessary. Therefore, and because he is like Balou, a friendly and good bear that ensures the safety of Mooglie in ” Forest book », I suggest you send it Another video, which has a cover of this extract from the aforementioned work by Walt Disney : https://youtu.be/QprXlfVkpH4?si=A4kK6iBGZR0lNYNh


1) and that ” There is no more stupid than a policeman, except two policemen »?

2) “he has” both, and in pants, and in terms of talent. Bliss! You need “cojones” to post this kind of video when you’re a cop. And above all, what a talent! Yes! Translation, tone, expressions and facial expressions: everything is perfect in your video.

3) twice as much (“too-too”), because Paris traffic is always very complicated. But really, there, even “bad” (as my grandson with whom I just spent an hour and a half in traffic jams will say). Thank you Macron!

4) madness, because of all the costs combined (services, construction, organization, security, games), the cost of 14 billion euros (low estimate) is the tax of France for these Olympic Games.

5) it seems that when you point out one sign, you have to point out all the others. Failing this, the CSA protested. So being in court to try to regain the approval of France-Soir, I want not to take any risks. We don’t know.

6) definition of ” Ubuesque » : « absurd, caricatured and grotesque. »

7) the hunting rifle that Coluche had given him two weeks ago. A gift not to give a depressed friend. A fortiori after he announced off-air his decision to “break” public shows, about the cinema industry in general, and about the pedophile networks of the time in particular. Because it is true that there are soldiers, premature deaths, legal cases that are classified as “accidental” deaths or “suicides”, where the victims are people preparing to make violent demonstrations. It is the same for people who create a machine, which making it available to everyone will end the economic, political and social control that the oil industry has had in the world since the beginning of the 20th century, with, incidentally. , the outbreak of military wars, which, in total, show several hundreds of millions of deaths over the clock. Amen. Oil and its derivatives: the weapons of destruction that really exist, and which kill people, with injustice and by hundreds of millions, in the hands of criminals without faith or law, and whose only god and country, god dollar And there, we know what the police are doing: they make it happen.


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