Butt workout: Training for the cracking butt

by time news

Want a cracking butt? The ass is at the top of the wish list for many women for the perfect body. (By the way, not only for us women: according to this Study from the University of Texas men like to check out our butts too because it shows how reproductive we are…). The trend has changed in recent years: if the butt used to be as small as possible, we have been into booty gains since the Kardashians at the latest. This goes so far that some women even help the “butt” trend surgically with butt implants and lifts.

How unnecessary, we think! Apart from the fact that every body is lovable and the size of the buttocks changes only slightly, a trained, tight and firm buttocks can be easily achieved with the right training. We’ll show you what that looks like here.

Would you like a plump butt? Then try our professional butt training plan:

  • effective bodyweight training plan
  • no equipment needed
  • all exercises with photos and as a video
  • 19-page PDF, accessible on all devices

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Is butt training healthy?

A round, well-trained bottom not only looks good – it is also a real health booster. The “musculus gluteus maximus” (the large buttock muscle) is one of the strongest and largest muscles in the human body and as such ensures a straight posture and a stable pelvis. A trained butt protects against back pain and can even help you lose weight: because the muscle is so big, it also burns the most calories. The tighter, firmer, more muscular your bottom is, the more calories you burn. Not only during training, but also when you are resting, your basal metabolic rate increases significantly due to the higher muscle proportion.

Unfortunately, the bottom is often neglected in everyday life. Desk job, car rides and Netflix evenings on the couch don’t make for plump curves. On the contrary! Sitting a lot shortens your hip muscles and your buttocks become really flat. Fortunately, you can counteract this with the right training. The few, targeted exercises in our butt workout challenge your booty and regen your muscles to grow.

Which muscles do I have to train for a firm bottom?

You should work all three of the main muscles in your butt: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. Together they stabilize the pelvis and ensure an upright posture. The large buttock muscle, the gluteus maximus, is active when lunging, climbing stairs, stretching the legs or standing up.

The gluteus medius and gluteus minor, as the main abductors of the hip joint, are responsible for flexion and internal rotation of the thigh and are also used for extension and external rotation, so they allow you to spread and retract and rotate your leg. All these movements are part of our favorite exercises that we show you here in the workout. If you do the exercises regularly and adjust your diet, you can look forward to visible results.

Graphics of the butt muscles


The gluteal muscles consisting of the gluteus medicus, maximus and minimus.

Side effect: During butt training, you also train the thigh muscles, i.e. the quadriceps (musculus quadriceps femoris) and the leg biceps (musculus biceps femoris). Depending on the execution and exercise, you can include the buttocks more. Here, for example, activation before training helps. Make sure that you really feel the tension in your buttocks and not so much in your quadriceps. This ingenious plan here provides you with a whole collection of exercises – just choose the most effective one for you.

training schedule

Building the glutes in 8 weeks

Preview training plan jeans butt crisp butt
  • training schedule
  • Home gym required
  • 52 exercises in picture and video
  • 24 effective workouts
  • 42-page PDF, accessible on all devices

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After successful payment you will receive an email with a download link. If you have any questions, send a message to [email protected].

Which butt exercises are really effective?

Don’t have time for butt training? Po-po-lapapp! There are countless exercises for a nice, round bottom that deliver visible results in a very short time. The best way to do this is to train all the main muscles of the buttocks, not just the gluteus maximus, but also the middle and small ones (musculus gluteus medius and minimus). You can find suitable exercises for this in our training plan.

Skinny legs, round bottom? This combination usually does not exist. The glutes can only be as strong as the muscles that surround them, so make sure to include your legs and back in your workout to make your workout complete! Real evergreens that address several large muscles and joints at the same time and also make you stronger in everyday life are, for example:

  • Squats
  • lunges
  • Deadlifts
  • Hüftheben (Hip Thrusts)
  • Standwaage (Standing Scale)

In our picture gallery you will find 3 great exercises for your dream bottom. The call for exercises all three muscle strands in the bottom, so that a sufficient stimulus is set. It needs it for muscle growth. You can reach your goal even faster with our comprehensive butt training plan. This was specially designed for the bottom and always presents your booty with new challenges. Speaking of challenges: Muscles only grow when they reach their limits. It is therefore best to vary your butt exercises at least every 8 weeks so that your muscles do not get used to the stimulus.

What do I need for a butt workout?

All you need for an intense butt workout is your own body. Beginners in particular can do the exercises from our picture gallery without any equipment. If you have been training for a long time and your bottom is already hardened, you should get equipment like a pair Mini Fitness Bands and dumbbells or one Kettlebell increase

You need one for the exercises in our picture gallery barbell with weight discs and a heavy one dumbbell, with which you can gradually increase the intensity of the exercises. Alternatively, there are also models with adjustable weights or 2-in-1 systems. It is important that you regularly check whether the stimulus set during training is still strong enough. Without progression, your muscles won’t adapt and your butt will stay in its old shape.

  • effective bodyweight training plan
  • no equipment needed
  • all exercises with photos and as a video
  • 19-page PDF, accessible on all devices

Already a customer? Then log in here one.

After successful payment you will receive an email with a download link. If you have any questions, send a message to [email protected].

How often and how long do I have to train my butt?

Butt training is not as complex as you think. In order for you to notice progress, you should integrate 2 to 5 butt exercises into your workout 2 to 3 times a week. To prevent imbalances, you should also train your core, i.e. the abdominal and back muscles. A split is suitable for this, for example, which means that you set a different muscle focus on each training day. Alternatively, you can do a full body workout. However, you should not train for more than an hour, as the technique usually becomes unclean after that and you release more cortisol, a stress hormone. 30 to 45 minutes of hard training is enough. After training, you should give your muscles enough time to regenerate and take a break from training. Depending on your training status, you can take a day or two off.

Of course, you don’t have to do without exercise on your non-training day: a walk or a session on the yoga mat, light stretching or swimming stimulates blood circulation and thus promotes regeneration. Also 10 minutes massage with a foam roll or one fascia ball helps your muscles in their repair work. You can read here exactly how fascia training works. All types of active rest also burn calories, so perfect if you’re trying to lose weight.

What does an effective butt workout look like?

That’s how it’s done: Start with a proper warm-up before moving on to the 3 exercises from the gallery above. You start with exercise number 1 and do 8 to 12 repetitions depending on your training status. After that you move on to exercise number 2 and do 12 to 15 repetitions, which you do very slowly and in which you go nice and deep.

Then it’s time to “pinch your cheeks”, because exercise number 3 follows for burning out: You do as many repetitions of this as possible – and 5 more. You do a total of 3 sets per exercise and pause for 30 seconds between each set. For quick effects, do the mini workout 3 days a week. Do you want to get your butt in top shape? It’s guaranteed to work with our highly effective bottom training plan.

Firm butt and nutrition: what do i have to do observe?

Muscles can only grow if they get enough “building material”. Therefore, to build butt muscles, you need to eat slightly in excess of calories. 300 to a maximum of 500 calories per day are enough here so that you do not gain too much fat in addition to the muscles. Please don’t be afraid of the excess: your body uses the calories primarily to build muscle. More muscles also lead to higher consumption in the long run.

When it comes to building muscle, not only how much but also what we eat plays a role. Your slight excess should not be made up of chocolate, pizza and chips, but rather come from more unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods. Above all, for muscle growth you need a lot of high-quality protein, which is found, for example, in lean milk and meat products, in eggs, fish or vegetable sources such as legumes, quinoa or soy. This is how much protein you need if you want to build muscle or lose weight. Complex carbs and healthy fats are also part of a balanced diet and ensure that you regenerate faster. If you’re having a hard time eating healthy, meal prep may be able to help.

A firm bottom not only looks good, but also keeps you healthy and strengthens your back. With our top exercises you will reach your goal effectively. Pay attention to sufficient regeneration and a progression, so that your muscles are always given a new stimulus. So your dream of a tight butt will soon become reality.

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