Court Registration Information Plaza July First Purchase Statistics
30s buy first apartment building in their life July 2306 people
It has been revealed that the number of first-time homebuyers under 30 without a home has increased this year. This is interpreted as a result of the introduction of policy finance products such as the newborn special loan with an annual interest rate of at least 1%, and the haste to purchase a home due to the rising housing prices in Seoul.
According to the transfer of ownership registration (sale) on the court registration information plaza on the 2nd, as of July, the number of first-time real estate (multi-family buildings) buyers in Seoul was 4,797, up 20.8% from June (3,970 people) and 19.1% from the same period last year (4,028 people).
In particular, the proportion of first-time home purchases by people in their 30s (30-39 years old) has increased significantly. The number of first-time real estate (apartment buildings) purchases by people in their 30s reached 2,306 in July this year, up about 35% from the same period last year (1,704 people).
It has been 2 years and 8 months since the number of first-time real estate buyers in their 30s exceeded 2,000 in November 2021 (2,767 people).
For those in their 20s, the number decreased to 486 from the same period last year (505 people), but the number of first-time buyers has been increasing for 7 consecutive months since January of this year (323 people).
According to the cumulative figures for this year, the number of first-time homebuyers (multi-family buildings) purchased by people in their 30s or younger from January to July was 14,116, a 42.9% increase compared to the previous year (9,878 people) from January to July.
By region, for those in their 20s, the highest number of real estate purchases were made in Gangseo-gu, where non-apartment buildings such as villas and officetels are concentrated, with 258 people, followed by Mapo-gu (166 people), Songpa-gu (146 people), and Gangnam-gu (136 people).
Among people in their 30s, the highest number of first-time real estate purchases were in Gangdong-gu with 1,063 people, followed by Gangseo-gu (1,012 people), Songpa-gu (654 people), Dongjak-gu (550 people), and Dongdaemun-gu (535 people).
As housing prices in Seoul rise, it appears that the number of first-time real estate buyers in their 30s or younger is also increasing, turning their attention to neighboring Gyeonggi Province.
The number of first-time real estate (apartment buildings) buyers in Gyeonggi Province in their 30s steadily increased from 3,333 in January to 7,308 in April, before gradually decreasing to 4,677 in July.
For those in their 20s, the number exceeded 1,000 from 662 in January to 1,134 in April, then fell to 996 in May, before recovering to the 1,000s in June (1,038) and July (1,085).
In Gyeonggi Province, as of July, there were many first-time home purchases in Yangju (454 people), Deogyang-gu, Goyang (393 people), Hwaseong (392 people), and Cheoin-gu, Yongin (341 people).
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