Buy homes: The savings of buying in Castro and selling the apartment in Bizkaia

by time news

Thursday, March 9, 2023, 01:01

To buy a flat in Bizkaia you have to pay an average of 2,734 euros per square meter, a figure that is 36.6% above the average salary of its inhabitants. In Gipuzkoa this difference rises to 58.92% while in Álava it falls to 5.27%. However, if someone does not mind moving to a neighboring province to pay the mortgage more comfortably, the most tempting option would be Cantabria, where the salary is above the price per square meter; 1,710.10 euros compared to 1,498 euros.

The HelloSafe financial product comparator has compared the price per square meter in January with the average wages of each province to find out which are the least affordable to buy a home. In this ranking, the first Basque province is Gipuzkoa, which appears among the most expensive in Spain, only surpassed by Barcelona, ​​the Balearic Islands and Madrid. With an average salary of 2,134.42 euros, Gipuzkoans have to face the mortgage payment of 3,392 euros per square meter. It would be followed by Bizkaia, the ninth most expensive province, while Álava was ranked 18th with an average salary of 2,134.42 euros and an average price per square meter of 2,247 euros.

In this analysis, it can be seen that the greatest gap between both indicators occurs in Barcelona, ​​the Balearic Islands and Madrid, provinces in which the amount per square meter doubles that of the salary. Compared to the 4,050 euros per square meter that must be paid in Barcelona, ​​we would have an average payroll of 1,919.90 euros, 111% below. On the islands, 3,647 euros per square meter would be paid with a salary of 1,793.53 euros (with a percentage difference of 103.34%) and in the Madrid community the square meter is equivalent to 96.32% of the salary, 3,929 euros compared to to 2,001.36.

On the other hand, where the purchase of a home is most accessible is in Lleida, where the square meter (with 1,197 euros) is 37.65% below the 1,919.9 average salary. It is followed by Ávila, a province in which this percentage difference is 35.17% (1,078 euros compared to 1,663.71) and Teruel, where the 1,172 euros that the square meter costs is 34.64% below the average payroll. , located at 1,793.19.

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