By 2050, a third of the glaciers will be gone

by time news

Janayugom Webdesk

November 4, 2022 7:33 pm

Glaciers included in the World Heritage List will disappear by 2050, says UNESCO. A survey of 18,600 glaciers in 50 World Heritage sites found that one-third of glaciers could disappear due to global warming. If the increase in global temperature does not exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius, it is still possible to save the other two-thirds, the report says.
All World Heritage Sites, including Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro National Park, will be ice-free within three decades. These glaciers have been receding at a high rate since 2000 due to carbon emissions. 50 billion tons of ice is lost from glaciers every year. This amount is equal to the total water consumption of France and Spain. Due to the rapid melting of the ice, the global sea level has risen by five percent.

UNESCO also recommends the creation of an international fund for monitoring and conservation of glaciers. UNESCO believes that the creation of the fund will support comprehensive research and reduce disaster risk through early warning among international partners. UNESCO’s move is to discuss the issue and find a solution at the COP27 climate summit, which will be held in Sham El Sheikh, Egypt, from November 6 to 18.

Eng­lish Sum­ma­ry: Icon­ic World Her­itage glac­i­ers to dis­ap­pear by 2050
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