“By authorizing the massive slaughter of Alpine ibexes, the State is following the lobby of agricultural unions against the advice of scientists”

by time news

Tribune. A very sordid scenario is brewing in the mountains of Bargy, in Haute-Savoie, where, once again, agro-political interests are likely to prevail over the protection of nature and scientific knowledge.

At a time when it has never been so urgent for humanity to learn how to preserve the biosphere on which it depends, it is sad to note that our leaders are once again giving priority to the short-term management of health crises, detriment of species protected by law. The inefficient slaughter of wolves is known, the current plan to massacre ibexes, whose species almost disappeared, is less so.

A unique human case

Yes, we are in 2022, and the French state is ready to indulge in a massacre on one of the rarest and most endangered species in France. Under pressure from the National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (Fnsea) and producers holding the Protected Designation of Origin (AOP) Reblochon, the Haute-Savoie prefecture had already ordered, in 2013, a first massive slaughter ibex, accused of transmitting brucellosis to cattle.

This contagious bacterial disease is a zoonosis, mainly animal, which can sometimes affect humans. Very present in ruminant farms until the end of the 20th centurye century in France, it was finally eradicated. It is the domestic herds which previously contaminated the ibexes.

Archives : The slaughter of ibexes in the Alps suspended

A single human case at the end of 2011, followed by a bovine abortion in the spring of 2012 and then the discovery of cases of ibexes at the end of 2012 led to the massive culling of 2013. After a legal battle waged by nature conservationists, the public authorities seemed, since then, to move towards a reasoned management of the disease with screening and targeted euthanasia, much more effective from a health point of view.

However, the prefect of Haute-Savoie, Alain Espinasse, has just signed a prefectural decree on March 17 authorizing the massive and indiscriminate slaughter of 170 ibexes in the area of ​​the Bargy massif (out of a population of approximately 380 individuals). The reason invoked is the remanence of the disease, which could be due to a “infectious reservoir” affecting the ibex population of the massif.

Mock consultations

But the origins of this type of disease remain difficult to determine, domestic animals can contaminate wild animals and vice versa. For agricultural unions and the state, the culprit is always on the side of nature. This is once again a denial of democracy because the prefect ignores the 84% of unfavorable opinions expressed during the public consultation about his draft decree! When will we stop these mock consultations that demonetize all environmental democracy?

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