C Section or Normal, which Si Delivery is best? If you are going to be a mother and have made preparations for the delivery, then know which is better, normal or cesarean? – normal delivery vs cesarean, which is it better to give birth, what studies say

by times news cr

2024-09-26 01:46:42
Delivery is the last phase of a pregnant woman’s pregnancy. Apart from enduring the problems of the nine months of pregnancy, she worries whether her delivery will be normal or through a C-section. However, it is a big decision for any woman or her family as to how to deliver the baby. Women who cannot bear the pain opt for a C-section, while some women want to give birth to the baby through a normal delivery.

Both types of delivery have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although it is a couple’s personal decision, sometimes this decision also depends on the circumstances of the pregnant woman whether she will have a normal delivery or a cesarean. If you are also pregnant, then know which delivery is better for you, C section or normal.

Safe delivery is important first

According to a study published in the National Institute of Health, safe delivery of the pregnant woman is the first priority. Be it normal or cesarean. C-section was introduced to reduce the risk to the mother and the fetus. However, now women have a misconception that C-section does not cause pain, it is safe and healthy. That is why today more than half of the women choose C-section delivery instead of vaginal birth as their first choice.

Difference between C section and vaginal birth

The difference between a C-section and a vaginal birth is how the baby is born. In a C-section, the baby is born by making an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus, while in a normal delivery, the baby is born through the birth canal.

  • C-section is planned, whereas normal delivery happens only after sudden onset of labour pain.
  • It takes 6 to 8 weeks to recover completely after C-section, whereas in normal delivery recovery takes place in 6 weeks.
  • The woman does not feel pain in C section, whereas normal delivery is more painful.

When should C section be done?

A C-section is recommended only when the life of the mother or the foetus is at risk. Although sometimes people plan for a caesarean delivery early in the pregnancy, this type of delivery should be done only if complications arise during delivery.

Why should one opt for C section?

According to nationwidechildrens.org, C-section delivery is a good option for those who wish to have more than one child.

  • If your baby is in breech position, a C-section may be required.
  • A pregnant woman should only undergo a caesarean if she has diabetes, high blood pressure or active herpes. In such cases, vaginal birth is unsafe.
  • If a woman has a problem of placenta previa, she is advised to undergo a C-section.

Why choose the option of natural delivery?

Many studies show that natural delivery is less risky. It also reduces the chances of postpartum infection. After delivery, the woman recovers within 6 weeks. Apart from this, natural birth gives a unique and personal experience to the mother, baby and family.

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Is vaginal birth possible after C section?

You must have heard many people say that after the first C-section delivery, the second delivery cannot be normal. But this is not so. According to gynecologist Dr. Seema Gupta, the chances of normal delivery the second time after a C-section are 50 percent. However, if a woman who has had a C-section chooses natural birth, then care must be taken that the scars of her old C-section do not open.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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