”Ca…te to cover war propaganda”

by time news

Avalanche of social controversy on the cartoon published by ‘Daily fact’ titled ‘The Depleted Skull’ which portrays the journalist Francesca Mannocchi, who, for various newspapers, has recounted the war in Ukraine. To defend the “right of satire”‘ is the cartoonist Vauro Siena which defines these controversies ”of huge bullshit which serve to cover the war propaganda that is rampant in today’s world of information”.

For Vauro ”arguing over a cartoon is the sign of a cultural and political inability to interpret languages ​​- he tells time.news – including that of satire which, like all languages, has its methods and parameters of interpretation. Cartoons are used to make political, moralistic, pseudo-moralistic controversies and to cover that empty of ideas that surrounds us both culturally and politically. War marathons sucked enough for me, everyone has their own sensitivity”, adds the cartoonist, referring to what was said by Enrico Mentana, a guest last Sunday at Massimo Giletti’s ‘It’s not the arena’ on La7, who, commenting on the cartoon of ‘Il Fatto Quotidiano’, stated that it ”sucks”.

”A me it sucks an information about war reduced to propaganda crude and sinister – underlines Vauro – When information becomes pure propaganda, it ceases to be information and loses every critical ability, a fundamental ingredient for those who provide information and for those who use it. We have one endless plethora of pseudo journalists whose greatest concern is to be invited into good lounges with some exceptions that unfortunately disappear”, he concludes.

(at Alisa Toaff)

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