Caffeine During Pregnancy : Is it safe to drink coffee during pregnancy?

by time news

Research suggests that drinking coffee during pregnancy can cause health complications for the baby. ‘Coffee use during pregnancy – what the gynecologist needs to know?’ A study titled


First Published Sep 14, 2022, 12:42 PM IST

Is it safe to drink coffee during pregnancy? Does it have any side effects? Doctors advise pregnant women to include healthy and nutritious food to promote growth and maintain health of the baby.

Although habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking are strictly prohibited and discouraged, many people are confused as to whether the caffeine present in coffee is safe or not.

Research suggests that drinking coffee during pregnancy can cause health complications for the baby. ‘Coffee use during pregnancy – what the gynecologist needs to know?’ A study titled

Caffeine consumption during pregnancy is linked to miscarriage and premature birth, study warns. The researchers concluded that caffeine consumption may be associated with miscarriage, childhood acute leukemia, and childhood obesity.

According to the study, drinking too much coffee during pregnancy affects the development of the baby’s liver and the risk of liver disease later. The caffeine found in two to three cups of coffee a day can alter the levels of stress and growth hormones in the body, which can affect growth and development. According to a study published in the Journal of Endocrinology.

Experts also say that there are factors in coffee that can reverse the proper growth of the fetus.
Ling Weing Chen, a researcher at University College Dublin in Ireland, says it is best to avoid tea and coffee from the day you know you are pregnant.

Studies show that the presence of caffeine in coffee can harm the health of the baby. According to a study by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), tea and coffee should be avoided during pregnancy.

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Last Updated Sep 14, 2022, 12:42 PM IST

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